May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you all!

We are halfway through the month, reaching the 15th day of Ramadan!

The 15th juz of the Qur'an consists of the following two complete chapters:

Chapter 17: Al-'Isrā' - The Night Journey

Chapter 18: Al-Kahf - The Cave - Verses 1-74

Both Surah Al-Isra and Surah Al-Kahf were revealed during the last stages of the Prophet Muhammad's mission in Makkah, before the migration to Madinah. After over a decade of oppression, the Muslims organized themselves to leave Makkah and start a new life in Madinah.


Surah Al-Isra is also known as "Bani Israil," a phrase that is taken from the fourth verse. However, the Jewish people are not the main theme of this surah. Rather, this surah was revealed at the time of Isra' and Mi'raj, the Prophet's night journey and ascension. This is why the surah is also known as "Al-Isra." The journey is mentioned at the beginning of the surah.

Through the rest of the chapter, Allah gives the disbelievers of Makkah a warning, just as other communities such as the Israelites had been warned before them. They are advised to accept the invitation to give up idol-worship and turn to faith in Allah alone, before they face a punishment like those before them.

As for the believers, they are advised on good behavior: being kind to their parents, gentle and generous with the poor, supportive of their children, faithful to their spouses, true to their word, fair in business dealings, and humble as they walk the earth. They are warned of the arrogance and temptations of Satan, and reminded that the Day of Judgment is real. All of this helps strengthen the resolve of the believers, giving them patience in the midst of difficulties and persecution.

In the following chapter, Surah Al-Kahf, Allah further comforts the believers with the story of the "Sleepers of the Cave." They were a group of righteous youth who were mercilessly persecuted by a corrupt king in their community, just as the Muslims were being mistreated at the time in Makkah. Rather than lose hope, they emigrated to a nearby cave and were protected from harm. Allah let them sleep (hibernate) for a long period of time, perhaps hundreds of years, and Allah knows best. They awoke to a changed world, in a town filled with believers, feeling like they had only slept a short time.

Throughout this section of Surah Al-Kahf, additional parables are narrated, to give believers strength and hope, and to warn the unbelievers of the punishment to come.

submitted by /u/h4qq
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