I understand well that performing hajj is one of obligatory to every muslims who has the wealth to do so. At the other hand, i am thinking about how Arab is indirectly attacking our brothers and sisters by funding ‘those’ countries who are fighting muslims. Although the money from hajj is not participating dominantly to this country’s money, but it still takes a role. I cant justify the idea of stopping hajj to weaken this country’s power to fund those countries. But also, wont the guilt even a little be there, after knowing what this country does to our brothers sisters? Wont the idea of ‘we do what we should do, what they do with the money is between them and Allah’ make us sound ignorant? i understand that (lets say) my-not-performing will not affect anything and we dont have any power to control this as well, but is it a right or wrong thing to feel guilty personally?

I definitely dont know which one is right or what should i think towards this matter. I would like to hear out you guys perspectives about this and kindly correct me if im wrong at some points of my thinking or idea of where the country’s money from hajj is going. Jazakallahu khayran.

submitted by /u/gizoura
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