Selam aleykum brothers and sisters.

I did not do what I was suppose to do tonight, and I was not the best Muslim tonight.

After getting back to my car, I think the only thing that possibly saved me was saying bismillah hirahman nirahim because as soon as I left, 1 minute from the parking lot to the light at a streets intersection (keep in mind this is at 1AM,) waiting at a red light, this giant ford f350 who is guaranteed to be drunk or possibly on cocaine, comes turning and he was inches from crashing into me. He was turning very, very fast. So fast that I'm surprised his truck didn't flip over.

Please my brothers and sisters, do not forget your adkhar, do not forget ayatul kursi, do not forget the last 3 surahs. Please make dua for me, your brothers and sisters on reddit and elsewhere. Remember if we are on here we are most likely in the top .01% of privileged people in this world, there are brothers and sisters in Africa being tortured to death brutally, and also non Muslims as well so we can make dua for all oppressed people, because Allah answers the dua of the oppressed even if they're non Muslim.

I understand when we read these things it really doesn't have an effect on us or resonate with us to the degree of the person writing it, but I feel beyond blessed in every single way possible but beyond ungrateful. Again please make dua for me and I will be making dua for all of you, barak Allahu feek

submitted by /u/highonMuayThai
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