As part of my World Religions class, I have to come up with about 10 questions and find a religious leader from different religions to answer my questions. If you have the time, I'd greatly appreciate it. If you're interested in answering, you can PM me. The questions are below so you can get an idea of what they are. The responses do not have to be long, a few sentences is plenty - or you can share as much as you want.

I figured this would be a great place to ask, I'd love to see who I can meet! If this isn't the right thing for the sub, let me know and I can remove the post.



  1. What is your name and where do you practice? (If you prefer to not answer, you can redact this information)
  2. What position do you hold as a religious leader? What does it involve?
  3. What would you ask a religious leader from a different religion? If the question is relevant to you, can you answer it yourself?
  4. Was your practiced religion something you grew up with, or something you chose to begin practicing?
  5. Do you choose to not follow any traditions that are common in your religion? If you can’t think of any, instead tell me the common traditions you do perform.
  6. What is your favorite religious tradition, and why is it important to your religion?
  7. If you were interested in another religion, which one stands out to you, and why?
  8. What makes someone true to your religion? What requirements do they have to meet in your eyes?
  9. What is your favorite part of service?
  10. Who are your role models or mentors?
  11. What is your favorite spiritual story?

Thanks again to anyone who can spare a moment. I appreciate you!

submitted by /u/clakmurrick
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from Islam
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