Three people were killed in a knife attack in the southern French coastal city of Nice, France. And, France and Germany have both announced national lockdowns again, declaring that the coronavirus is out of control. Also, China’s Defense Ministry has said that Chinese and US military chiefs held video meetings this week about crisis communication.

China is the chief deceiver hiding in plain site and killing/punishing more Muslims than any country ever. They make Muslims pledge allegiance to China before they allow them to go to Hajj Pilgrimage.

They also harvest organs of Muslims.

China enjoys seeing and sowing hatred of Muslims among the Christians. It is their master plan to try become a Master race like Hitler attempted. US and African countries are in debt to China. China has slowly been taking over African countries by loaning them Millions or Billions and building infrustructure. In East Africa you'll see tons of Chinese people these days.

The Reddit conspiracy sub has been discussing the Chinese takeover.

submitted by /u/xerxes7777
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