So I don't know if this is just me but alhamdulillah I'v been to many many beautiful places in my life - places which pictures can do no justice to (like this one but I always come back to the one place which evoked really strong spirituality in me.

I was in dubai for vaca and it was maghrib time and we were in the middle of the desert in a tourist spot, like with flame throwers and magic show and what not in a large tent smack in the middle of the desert and the events hadnt started yet so i prayed magrib and was sitting outside the whole tent area and watching this other dude at the crest of a dune also finishing up his prayers. The sun was going down and there was an orange glow everywhere. SubhanAllah what a magnificent feeling it evoked in me. As if nothing mattered except God. A true understanding that everything, from the smallest to the largest was dependent on God. I felt all the trappings of modern life just fall away from me. Amazing moment.

THat was the first and only time iv been in a desert like that. Has anyone else ever felt that way about a desert vs other natural places? Every now and then I think about that place and yearn to go back.

submitted by /u/hl_lost
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