S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

Zul-Qarnain was a mighty emperor and the victor of nations, but his conquests never filled him with conceit. He never said: I have been given it only on account of knowledge I posses; on the contrary, he ascribed his achievements to God. He did not even brag of the impregnability of the barrier constructed by him. Like a true believer in God and the Hereafter he laid more stress on the help and grace of God.

"He said: This is a mercy from my Lord; but when the promises of my Lord cometh to pass, He will lay it low, for the promise of my Lord is true." (Al-Kahf: 98)

And this is the attitude of a true believer and a man of God. He never forgets his Lord - not even when he is crowned with the most brilliant victories, nor when he gains control over gigantic resources and the sinews of earthly power. He turns his attention to God in the hour of triumphant success and remembers the ultimate end, when he would crumble into dust and be raised again; he fearfully trembles with the awe of God; acknowledges his own weakness; offers solace and mercy to the suffering humanity; preserves truth and justice; and directs his incessant endeavor to serve his fellow beings. Creates a just and virtuous social order, brings out the ignorant from the dark alley of godlessness and crass materialism to the sunshine of divine light and natural religion. This was the noble and virtuous path trodden by Soloman and Zul-Qarnain, by the rightly-guided Caliphs and the impeccable leaders of Islam during their own times in different parts of the world.

Taken from "The Fragrance of East" magazine, February 2020 edition.

submitted by /u/MeadowsAndRain
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