Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters! I just want to share what I went through today. I hope whatever I’m sharing here will be beneficial for all of us. Ameen..

I have been struggling a lot with self confidence for the past few months. I never felt that I was good enough for whatever I want to achieve. I even spent most of this week just looking at videos on “how to be smarter”. I felt like whatever I try I will never be good enough.

I woke up this morning feeling really tired and defeated. My tiredness made me sleep through fajr and I also missed the eid prayer. I felt a bit cut off from eid actually, because I live far away from my family and was quite sad because I couldn’t see them today due to Covid restrictions.

It was until just about an hour ago that my day went from “just another day” to a full breakdown. I got a reply from a company saying I passed the online test that I attempted a couple of days ago and I am now going to the next stage - which is the interview.

Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar. I cried like a baby.

Then and there I realised Allah is Ar Rahman and Ar Raheem. In what possibly could’ve been my below average day, He showed me that all of those negative thoughts came from myself! He cheered me up when I needed it the most, and when there was nothing that could cheer me up. It’s not even the job acceptance, but Allah showed me that I am good enough for the things that I doubted myself in.

I prostrated and said repeatedly “Allah, please keep loving to me for the rest of my life. I do not ever want to live without your love.” If this is just a small taste of Allah’s love for someone who every now and then needs an emaan booster, I could only dream of what it feels like to be the ones who feels Allah’s love every single second.

Also of course it’s my cake day! Not that it means much but I am sure that Allah is the best at entertaining His servants and He knows best about the things that amuse me :D

I repent to Allah for all the sins that I have done and I hope today Allah forgives all your sins and gives you happiness as well my dear brothers and sisters... Eid mubarak everyone!!!

submitted by /u/daBoiWonda
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