This will be a pretty controversial post but here I go.

I don't mind most people regardless of religion, race and ethnicity. However, I am racist. There is one nationality that I really dislike and they represent roughly 20% of humanity: Indians.

Of course, I have no issues with the Muslims from there as we are brothers in faith and they have treated me nicely for the most part; however they represent just 15% of India's population.

It wasn't always like that. I generally had no problems with Indians until roughly 3-4 years ago. I always thought we were pretty similar and only a small border and religion differentiated us. Maybe most of them had become radicalized due to Modi's politics, but that to me isn't a good enough reason to have any sort of love for them.

Whenever there is an apolitical video about Islam and Bangladesh, I always see a bunch of Indians in the comment section making nasty comments about my religion and my nationality/ethnicity (2 elements that are huge parts of my identity) even though it had nothing to do with India. It's as if they have an unhealthy obsession with us. On top of that, Bangladeshis, in recent years, have become scapegoats for all of India's problems, according to their politicians, media and their people.

In addition to all of that, they belittle people with darker skin, poor people and are very arrogant people in general.

Why should I have any love for people from a culture that has a mentality that isn't in accordance to my personal and religious values and that despises me for being from a certain religion and ethnicity?

submitted by /u/NintendoSwitchFan92
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from Islam
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