Salam alaikum brothers and sisters,

I have been struggling with mental health issues for a very long time and through my suffering I began having empathy and understanding for people suffering mental health issues. There were points in my life where it didn’t matter whether I died or not, and even contemplated suicide. Mental health issues are illnesses just like any other illness, and depression is an issue that effects many of us. Just like physical illness, mental illness can be fatal. Why is it haram to commit suicide if it is an illness of the mind? I have been through these patterns of thinking and through therapy and medication, I look back and see how I’ll I really was. If I did commit suicide, would I be punished for it? Would I be punished for being ill?

P.s. I know post may be triggering but this has been weighing heavily on my mind

-With kindness and love

submitted by /u/Viptolic
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