So like most of us know there is not really a country or organization who support the ummah.

What if, our talented (app)developers make an app/program for wich we can subscribe and pay a small amount of money monthly. And this money collected can act likr an umbrella for us? And the app/program can give daily news/ideas/updates about its ummah. So that people can have something to learn and entertain instead of only give money.

And that it should be regional, like country/and if needed state/city. And if someone from that region needs help, the program leaders act on it. Everything opensource and transparrent.

Imagine it growing so much it has the voice to effect countrys and their actions.

Just an idea, please tell me what you guys think.

Because i would love to donate money to this instead of netflix/amazone prime or whatever monthly.

submitted by /u/Charlit0n
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