Of my research on the matter this is what I found. Many people are arguing over to celebrate eid or not.

e son of Umar ﷸ ﷷ said: "The people looked to see the crescent, so I told the Messenger of Allaah ﷻ that I have seen it, so the Prophet fasted and ordered the people to fast." [This was recorded by Imaams Abu Dawood and Ibn Habbaan corrected it; Al-Haakim said: it is an authentic hadeth according to Muslim's condition]

Ibn Abbaas ﷸ ﷷ said: "A Bedouin came to the messenger of Allaah ﷻ and said: 'I have seen the crescent of Ramadaan,' so the Prophet said: 'Do you witness that there is no God but Allaah?' The Bedouin said: 'Yes!' Prophet said: 'Do you witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah?' The Bedouin said: 'Yes!' Then the Prophet asked Bilaal to inform the people to fast the next day." [Recorded by Imaams Abu Dawood, Tirmedhi, Ibn Habbaan and Al-Haakim corrected it]

The Hanaafi Scholars said 1 : "The difference of the moon sighting localities, and sighting the moon during the daytime whether before midday or after it are not considered in terms of determining the beginning or the end of the month. This is in accordance with the preponderant opinion in the Hanaafi School. It is also the opinion viewed by most of the Hanaafi scholars, and it is also the opinion followed in giving fatwas. Therefore, the people of the east are duty bound to follow the new moon sighting of the people of the west if it is proved that they have sighted the moon in a sound and binding way, such as when two men bear witness that they have sighted the new moon, or if they testify to the judgment of the Judge, or if the news of the sighting of the moon becomes well-known to everyone. This does not apply to the case when one reports that the people of such and such city have sighted the new moon, for this is considered a reported speech.

The Maaliki scholars said 2 : "If the crescent is sighted somewhere, people should fast everywhere, whether they live close or far away. People are not to consider in this regard the distance required for shortening the prayer nor the unity in sighting localities or its non-existence. Hence, fasting is obligatory for everyone who is informed about the sighting of the crescent if this sighting is reported by two reliable witnesses or a big group of people.

The Hanbali scholars said 3 : "If the crescent has been sighted in a certain locality, be it near or far, all the people are obligated to fast. The ruling of the one who has not sighted the crescent is the same as that of the one who has sighted it.

The Shafii scholars: However Imaam Shaafi'i said that each locality should have their own sighting, and they are not obligated to adopt the sighting of another location. He used the following as evidence: Once one of the companions, Kuraib narrated that Um Ul-Fadl has sent him to visit Muaa'wia in As-Shaam (Syria). He said: 'I went to As-Shaam and accomplished the purpose of my visit, and while I was there, Ramadaan started; I had seen the crescent moon on Thursday night, and then went back to Madinah at the end of the month. Ibn Abbaas mentioned the crescent moon asking, 'When did you see the crescent moon?' I replied: 'We saw it on Thursday night.' Ibn Abbaas then asked: 'Kuraib, did you see it?' I answered: 'Yes! And the people had seen it, and they fasted, and so did Muaa'wia.' So Ibn Abbaas said: 'But we had seen it Friday night, so we will fast until we complete thirty days or until we see the crescent moon. I then asked: 'Aren't you satisfied with Muaa'wia's sighting and his fasting?' Ibn Abbaas answered: 'No, this is what the Messenger of Allaah had ordered us to do. [Recorded by Imaam Muslim, and others]

In the end. The hanaafi, maliki and haanbali scholars say that if the moon shall be sighted in one area it is obligatory for all muslims who hear of the news to follow that sighting if they are reliable.

It is shafii school only that says one should follow their regional or local sighting alone

Source: https://raleighmasjid.org/imam/fiqh-moon-sighting.html

submitted by /u/Daytime35
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