Hi guys,

Let me start by saying I’m not a superstitious person at all. I am a muslim so obviously I believe in certain ‘supernatural’ things, but never took it really seriously when it comes to the creepy stuff.

I’ve been having these problems since last summer. I was in Turkey on holiday in the Med region (I live in Turkey too) and while swimming in the sea a piece of paper was floating in the middle of the sea near the beach. It basically just came straight at me and I grabbed it. When I looked at it, it looked like a very creative piece of art with a demonic like figure in the middle and all kinds of Arabic looking text around it. The figure had horns, and its feet looked like horse feet, etc. A little cheesy if you ask me.

I looked at it, and then just threw it away and didn’t think much of it. But since then I’ve been seeing that same piece of paper in my dreams, constantly finding it somewhere. At the beginning I found it funny and thought I was just affected by it, so I kept seeing it. The dreams started as follows:

I kept waking up in my bed and when I got out I could see myself sleeping (out of body experience). I then started walking around my house and every time I found the same piece of paper somewhere. Sometimes it’s on the dinner table. Sometimes on my desk. Sometimes in the kitchen. Sometimes it’s just hanging on the wall, etc. And every time something I don’t see starts pushing me back to my room and onto my bed into my body (that’s just laying there asleep) and then I wake up. But I don’t feel any fear while this is happening. Then I go back to sleep and things are fine.

But now during the ramadan month things are changing a bit. I can’t fast. I feel extreme hunger, thirst, headaches and the dreams got a bit worse. Instead of just waking up in my dream I’m being violently woken up by some kind of shaking and slaps on my face. I then get up. When I get up I see all these women with their heads covered in the mirror of my closet watching me and pointing at the door, urging me to leave my room. It always feels like they are worried about me and are really urging me to leave my room asap. When I leave my room the door closes behind me and I just wander around the house. When I look outside from my living room window I see the trees ‘praying’. They bow down like in Islamic prayer towards Mecca (I know the direction of where Mecca is as people always ask me when they want to pray in my house). When I try to go back to my room I hear things moving and breaking, but the door seems to be locked. After a while the door opens and something again pushes me back into my body and I just wake up and go back to sleep.

Last night I chose to not listen to the ‘ladies in the mirror’ and stayed in my room. The ladies whose faces I can’t see kept urging me to leave by pointing at the door more and more aggressively. But I didn’t listen. Eventually the door closed like it always does, but this time I was in my room. Then smoke started coming out of the mirror and covered only above the waist, so I can see the floor and one meter up, but from there it’s all just fog/smoke. Suddenly I see these legs, which are green or blue and look like horse legs. It was just running around in circles and it really sounded like a horse running. It had two legs with huge muscles and just ran in circles. I also seemed to be extreme tall. I remember thinking how this creature was able to fit in my room considering its head must be hitting the ceiling.

I then saw one of the ladies in the mirror basically peaking from below where there was no fog at me and it seemed like she was pleading with me to keep quiet and keep a low profile. Like they try to tell me something. The other ladies in the mirror also seemed to be praying while only one of them was looking at me and made gestures, as if she was begging me to do something.

The horse legged creature just kept running and running and eventually jumped into the mirror and took all the fog with it into the mirror. At the same time the mirror broke and I woke up on the ground. When I woke up the mirror was intact. It was just that I had fallen off the bed.

I have a Quran hanging on my wall but it’s turned upside down since my dream from last night. I also found a very bed smelling liquid that’s in circle shape around my bed and I cleaned it up but the smell is still there. It smells like urine.

I have called my parents about it, but my mom tells me it’s just a bad dream and my dad just tells me to man up basically and stop being scared of stupid dreams. I called an imam I know and he says I should stop overdramatising what I see and says that it could be djinn, but they never appear like that to anyone or something and refused to help me because of quarantine and stuff. Also, he said a djinn could never ever ever touch my Quran and turn it upside down. But that Quran has been these since the last two years, and I know for a fact I didn't put it there upside down and never touched it. I have another Quran which I use for reading, so the one on the wall is just for decoration/protection purposes.

I don’t know what to do. I’m scared to sleep now. I’m also really tired of it. Every night I walk around my house seeing things in my dreams and I’m just tired of it. When these things are happening I just wait until it’s over but that horse like creature just kept running and running for so long. I feel like I’ve never even slept while I wake up in the afternoon mostly and sleep pretty early. I feel extreme hunger since the ramadan started, or thirst. So I can’t fast because it gets too bad and my mouth and throat get so dry it feels like I'm going to choke.

My neighbour is also complaining about noise at night around 2am, but I keep saying I was sleeping around that time so it can’t be from me. I’m starting to lose my mind a bit. I can’t remember any dua's anymore. When I try to pray I start mumbling and can’t pronounce the words (also in my head). I can’t read the Arabic alphabet properly anymore and keep getting confused. I have a massive headache and my muscles are aching as well.

What should I do? Has anyone experienced this before and if so, why would a random piece of paper in the sea do this to me? And who would write such a piece of paper and toss it into the sea? My girlfriend won’t come over to my place since I told her these things and she says she was also scared when staying at my place, but doesn’t really know why.

I’m going to stay with my parents tonight and see what happens. But if anyone knows something, please tell me.

Kinda embarrassing to have this in my post history, but I don't care anymore.

submitted by /u/hahahihihoehoe
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