I easily see why Muslims would say this about praying and acknowledging their God, but why Mohammed too? The Koran is to a Muslim the literal unadulterated word of God and it doesn't matter what other people think of those who brought it to humanity, right?

In Christianity, knowing about or caring.about the actions of prophets like Yusep (Joseph), Paul, or similar, isn't necessarily, only the belief in salvation via sacrifice (of Isa, Jesus) is, especially if you are a Protestant under Sola Fide.

Maybe it's a problem in my thinking but if I hear someone praying invoking the name of a prophet, that is kinda like making them divine or having divine powers which in Islam is impossible as only God, not even a trinitarian view but a literally oneness God is possible, so nothing else can be divine.

Can someone please explain this?

submitted by /u/Awesomeuser90
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