February 2020

As the title says, looking for an easy to understand translation of the Holy Quran. He is interested in the religion and wants to more about it. He asked me a couple of questions and linked me to these -

- A J Arberry's

- Muhammad Asad's translation

What do I tell him, which one should he look at?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/muzazee
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from Islam https://ift.tt/2VBfLBN

A sharp jawline is an amazing facial feature to flaunt and for those who naturally do not have a chiseled jaw, you can now try these exercises to reduce some face fat and define features. There is no problem in being chubby or having fat on your chin, but for those who want to reduce it, we have just the right facial workouts for you.

Exercises for a Better Jawline

1. The easiest way to sculpt your face is by chewing gum. Buy sugar-free gum and enjoy it! It is one of the best exercises for your entire jawline. The more you chew, the harder your muscles are at work. Make sure you chew in a circular motion and do it once a day to really get your mouth to move.

2. Kissing your nose is another popular exercise to lose some weight off your jawline. Just put your tongue out and try to reach your nose. Make a solid effort and you will feel the muscles of your face moving. It is an effective exercise to reduce double chin.

3. Look up towards the sky and stretch your jaw outward. Make sure your mouth is open and your entire lower jaw is going completely out. Do this 20 times and rest your muscles. Once you do this regularly, you will notice your cheeks are coming in shape.

4. Making vowel sounds with utmost pressure is yet another great way to achieve the perfect jawline. Put pressure on every A, E, I, O and U. Continue this 30 times and rest your mouth.

5. Neck curl ups are fantastic to sculpt the entire jaw. Lie down on a flat surface and get your chin towards your chest by lifting your head up, do not move any other part of your body. Now put your head backwards as if you were to see what’s behind you. Keep going for 10 more times and make it a regular exercise.

6. If you haven’t heard about face yoga, then you are surely living under a rock. To get rid of saggy cheeks, turn your jaw to one side as if your teeth were pulled to the other side of the mouth. It is like you are kissing sideways. Hold this for 10 seconds and continue. This is a great face yoga exercise to get rid of chubby or saggy skin around your cheeks.

7. Circulation motion might just be a warm-up exercise but if you hold every turn for 10 seconds, you can perfect your entire face. Make sure you do side to side, up and down and a full circle 20 times in a row. It will not only warm up the jawline but help in putting your double chin at bay.

8. The frown is one of my favorites. Put pressure on your neck and make a frown, you will feel a lift in your chest and your muscles pulling on your neck. This exercise actually does work when you do it daily! At least it worked out for me pretty well.

9. Want your cheeks to look like they were sculpted by an artist? Well, make your best fish face or pout as hard as you can with putting strength on your cheek bones.

10. Lie down on the floor and put your interlocked palms under your chin. Make sure you are lying on your stomach, now use your palms as a support for the chin and lift. Keep your body steady and use your hands to raise up the face. Keep going back and forth for 20 counts. 

Note: Whenever you apply creams, do it in the upward motion. Do not pull down on your skin. Besides this, stop bending down too much and reading on your phone. 

Get a picture-perfect jawline with some of these exercises. It can be tough to shed the double chin but if you try, it does work.

7 Best Facial Yoga Exercises for Double Chin
8 Makeup Tips For Chubby Face

The post 10 Exercises for a Better Jawline
 appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.

from Makeupandbeauty.com https://ift.tt/2TbRRLD

Assalamu Alaikum,

I feel almost embarrassed to even ask this question, but nobody have really explain to me how to make Dua properly.

So this is how I make dua according to my own knowledge:

Reading Surah al Fatiha (1x) and after that reciting Surah al Ikhlas (1x) and after that I ask Allah what I want then I end it with Salat al Ibrahimiyah, but I believe I might do it wrong. I sometimes recite 3x Surah al Ikhlas instead of 1x.

Pls explain to me from start to the end how I'm supposed to make dua accordingly.

submitted by /u/Mr-Jabba
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from Islam https://ift.tt/2TnHEL4

Abu Sa'eed said: "Whoever has doubt (about this hadith) then let him recite (from the Quran): “Indeed Allah does not deal unjustly with even an atom’s weight”

[Tirmidhi: Book 39, Hadith 2802]

submitted by /u/Yusman26
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from Islam https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/fbnyo9/abu_saeed_narrated_that_the_messenger_of_allah_ﷺ/

Assalamu alaikum friends.I'm 14 years old and going to be 15 in a month. I want to ask for some practical advice to stay on the right path. Im in a surprisingly good relationship with my parents even if one of them is currently in a hospital for mental illness. Anything will be useful, im sure 😁!

submitted by /u/Oculuser53
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from Islam https://ift.tt/32DZzRM

We often shy away from sleeveless tops because we are uncomfortable with how our arms look. I am a part of this category as I’ve always felt uneasy when wearing sleeveless because I have baby fats on my arms. If you are in the same boat as me, this article is for you. With the help of these incredible eight tips and tricks, you can lose stubborn arm fat quicker than ever. Say goodbye to baby fat and welcome a summer collection of sleeveless tops in your wardrobe.

Tip to Lose Stubborn Arm Fat

1. More cardio: Don’t just run on the treadmill for 20 minutes, increase your cardio time and make sure you aren’t holding the machine. Use your arms too when doing cardio for about 40 minutes. You can also walk for 15 minutes and opt for 30-minute cardio followed by some arm stretching exercises.

2. Run: Running is great for your overall health, you can simply stretch a little, and start running. The upward and downward movement of your arms will ensure the muscle is being under pressure. This routine will overtime tone the arms and you will see your arm fat disappearing.

3. Planking: Planking really puts the right pressure on your arms and this exercise will not only reduce your arm fat faster but also tone them really well. It is difficult to hold a plank for more than a minute but if you push yourself, you can take it to about two minutes. Do not go beyond that as you may end up injuring yourself. Start with 30 seconds, gradually move on to 60 seconds and then maybe a minute and 30 seconds.

4. Opt for dips: Want toned arms at the earliest? Well, add dips to your daily workout routine. It is one of the simplest exercises to do even when you are at home. While at work, when you’re sitting at home or even when you’re watching TV, you can do dips. Just keep yours arms at shoulder width, hold the surface you’re using tightly and bend your elbows. Now by brining your entire body down, do your first dip. Keep continuing for 10 more sets and eventually increase your time with 20 sets.

5. Lat pulldowns: Want to add something fun to your gym routine? Well, seated lat pull down is effective and will give you toned arms in no time. Grip the bag of a pull-down machine at the gym and pull it to your chest level, raise it again and keep going. It strengthens your shoulders, makes your arms look slimmer and absolutely beautiful!

6. Pushups are a must: One exercise you should do every day even if you do not have arm fat are pushups. This targets upper arm fat and work up the biceps as well as the triceps. Make sure you keep doing pushups for at least more than a month to see results.

7. Triceps press: Stubborn arm fat can come back sooner than you think. Standing up or sitting, pick up a dumbbell of 1 kg, extend it over your head and bend your elbows behind. Lift upwards and down to keep doing the same. Continue this for 10 more sets. You can even do this at home if you don’t have dumbbells, you can take a big bottle of water and do the same. I’ve tried it and it works wonders!

8. Stretching: Warm up, stretching and some more stretching can really help you remove flab from your arm. Facing your palms upwards towards the ceiling, interlock them and stretch your arms as much as you can. Hold the stretch for a few seconds and continue.

Other than these exercises, one exercise that worked for my arm fat was badminton and skipping. I enjoy sports and skipping is my favorite. If you love it too, go for 20 minutes of skipping and it will do wonders to your arm fat. They will be gone in no time!

The post 8 Tips to Lose Stubborn Arm Fat appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.

from Makeupandbeauty.com https://ift.tt/2wVpB7n

Assalamu Alaikum,

A little over a month ago I did my shahada, and it's honestly changed my life Alhamdulillah. I've met so many great brothers, some of which are going out of there way to help me learn more and more. I've been guided through this process by a Sheikh and I don't think I could have gotten a better person for my situation.

From the bottom of my heart I just want to say thank you! I've only really lurked on this subreddit but reading threads about reverts, and all the amazing advice people have given them, has also helped me tremendously. JazakAllahu Khairan

I've still got so much to learn, and so many people to meet, but I'm finally so happy.

Alhamdulillah 😁

submitted by /u/ZeZ_8
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from Islam https://ift.tt/2voSKr6

Im watching this video, black woman maybe married to a Jewish guy I don’t know I focused on the subject matter. She’s goes and gets a black hair stylist and then they go to the Hasidic part of net York and she’s talking about the culture of black women with wigs and weaves and asking these high end Hasidic about their quality and method. It’s very interesting. But every time they ask why do you wear a wig, do you follow fashion trends, it just makes me a little angry. Im not even Muslim. But it makes me a little angry. I like to wear a head scarf because it hides my hideous tangle mass at a festival, or even just some days I feel like wearing it. Hearing religious people say, “ only my husband should see me in my “true beauty” I can kinda understand. But if you’re just putting a fake hair “super styled “ wig on top of your hair? How is that really different from your real hair. Especially since it’s literally real hair. I think it’s really not fair to faithful muslim women. Faithful Muslim women wear a sign on their heads, you cants hide if you wear Hijab. It’s not fair that the same as a Jewish woman can just hide. No ones gonna be attacking the Jewish woman because she can wear a wig but a Muslim woman would be attacked for wearing a fucking scarf over her head.

submitted by /u/ZMaiden
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from Islam https://ift.tt/39aVcAk

One of your siblings is a closeted athiest. You die and your god turns out to be the right one, therefore you and your family get to heaven. . Except your sibling, you ask god why and he replies that your sibling is an athiest and therefore going to hell. You loved this sibling very much. How do you feel knowing people you love are burning in eternity for the mere 80 years of their existence???

submitted by /u/wanderingbubble
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from Islam https://ift.tt/2wfmSoU

8. A Phrase that Comes with Rewards in the MILLIONS:

On the authority of Abdullah ibn ‘Umar (Ra) that the Prophet (Sallallahu AlaihiWasallam) said:

“Whoever enters a market and says: ‘Laailaaha ill Allah Wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul Mulku Wa lahul Hamdu yuhyi Wayumeetu Wa huwa Hayyun laa yamoot, bi yadihil khayr, wahuwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in qadeer’

(There is nothing worthy of worship but Allah, He is alone without partner, to Him belongs the dominion and the praise, he causes life and death and He is the Living One and will never die. In His Hand is all good, and He is over all things capable.)

Allah will write for him a million good deeds, erase a million of his bad deeds and build for him a house in Jannah.”

And in another narration, instead of mentioning that Allah will build a house in Jannah, it states, “and he will be raised one million levels.” [Tirmidhi]

Even more easy good deeds you can do:


submitted by /u/UltraInstinctBeerus
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from Islam https://ift.tt/2HZNLA5

Obviously, the word sahaba/companion has very different view between Sunni & Shia. Me as being Sunni would like to know if there's any Sunni scholar who talks about it. One that I know of is from Dr Yasir Qadhi. His series of lectures on Youtube is very in depth about the sahaba & he's got tonnes of his lectures uploaded.

Really appreciate it if you could recommend me more reliable book/source/scholars. Thank you.

submitted by /u/Bujang_lepat
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from Islam https://ift.tt/32AjcdN

Do you remember your grandmother and great grandmother in their 70s or 80s with warm smile and scalp full of thick and long hair? Do you wonder why you didn’t inherit their hair? The truth is, the change in our lifestyle, pollution, and unhealthy diet, has taken an adverse toll on our body and hair. A majority of women these days complain about severe hair fall and bald spots on their scalp. Actually, hair fall is a problem faced by almost all men and women whereas baldness is more common among men. The hair loss pattern differs from person to person. It has been proven that a major chunk of women population is experiencing female pattern baldness which is also called androgenetic alopecia. With change in lifestyle, unhealthy diet, use of chemical-laden hair products, women suffering from baldness is steadily going up. In this article, we will discuss what causes female pattern baldness, various treatments available, and most importantly, preventive measures to stop bald spots from showing up in the first place. Balding is also called alopecia commonly and it can affect anyone, irrespective of their age or gender.

What Causes Baldness in Women Symptoms Solutions and Treatments

But first let’s understand the hair growth cycle. The hair growth cycle would give you an idea about the rate of hair growth.

Hair Growth Cycle:

Usually each hair (naturally) grows approximately half inch per month irrespective of how you take care of your hair. Each hair has a growing period of 2-6 years [depending on various factors like age, hormonal changes, etc] after which they tend to fall. After the hair falls from its follicle, a new hair would grow from the same follicle. The hair growth cycle happens in four phases:

1. Anagen: It’s the growth stage. Hair follicle is nourished by blood vessels and that leads to active hair growth in the follicle. Anagen lasts for 2-6 years depending on age, hormonal change, diet, etc.
2. Catagen: Transition phase, the hair follicle begins to shrink and hair detaches from the blood supply source, which is also called the “dermal papilla.” This stage lasts for 1 to 2 weeks or 10 days.
3. Telogen: It’s also called the resting phase. Old hair is in resting phase, it stops growing. Whereas new hair begins to enter the growing phase from the same follicle. The telogen stage lasts for 5 to 6 weeks or four months.
4. Exogen: The old hair starts to shed and new hair continues to grow.

It’s interesting to note that not all hair grow out and fall out together, each follicle is independent and hair grows out and falls independently.

What Causes Baldness in Women?

1. Increased stress levels change the hormones work in our body and increase in hormones like androgen trigger hair loss in women.
2. Hormonal changes during pregnancy, also called as post-partum hair loss.
3. Allergy caused due to certain medicines. For example, medicines prescribed for depression, hormonal changes, blood pressure, etc. Certain antibiotics can also cause hair fall.
4. Allergy caused by products like hair dye, shampoos, etc.
5. Fungal infection in the scalp.
6. Severe dandruff.
7. Pollution that includes both air and water. Be careful when you swim in pools filled with chlorine water. My friend actually said the chlorine in a swimming pool changed the colour of her swimsuit!!!
8. Excessive use of heat, chemical-laden products in the hair.
9. Hormonal changes, thyroid problems would cause extensive hair fall that can result in baldness.
10. Heredity factors. Genetic composition may cause baldness in females.
11. Lack of nutrition, unhealthy diet. This is the most important fact that may lead to bald spots. A diet that lacks nutrition to nourish blood vessels underneath follicles would stunt hair from growing up.
12. Overdose of vitamin A can cause alopecia.
13. Iron deficiency.
14. Anemia, low hemoglobin level.

Symptoms of Alopecia:

1. Thinning of hair.
2. Lot of hair on the comb.
3. Severe hair fall while washing the hair.
4. Receding hairline.
5. Small round patches of skin on the scalp.

How to Prevent Baldness in Women?

1. Best way to prevent baldness is to eat a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals and iron. Include including amla (Indian gooseberry), curry leaves and other green leafy vegetables in your diet because they provide nourishment to the hair and helps in growing out strong hair. Here’s a list of 8 Food Items that you should absolutely eat for gorgeous hair.

2. Consult your doctor to rule out any underlying hormonal disorder and other factors.

3. Switch to SLS and paraben-free shampoo and hair products. Surfactant-based products are harsh on your hair and scalp and adversely affect hair follicles.

4. Take good care of your hair and scalp to keep dandruff away. If you have dandruff, use natural ways like a pack of lemon and curd to clear dandruff. It is necessary to keep the hair clean and free of any infection  and dandruff.

5. Use rosemary oil on the scalp to activate hair follicles and promote hair growth.

6. Wash hair at least two times a week, not too often because frequent shampooing will dry out your hair and scalp.

7. Massage your scalp with a mix of tea tree oil and coconut oil to stimulate hair growth.

If you are losing large amount of hair suddenly, it is better you consult a doctor immediately to take corrective measures.

Diet For Healthy Hair:

  • 8 AM – One glass of almond milk.
  • 9 AM – 2 whole boiled eggs with oats porridge/or any other light breakfast
  • 11 AM – Healthy snack with a few walnuts, 3 almonds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds.
  • 1 PM – Lunch with green leafy vegetables, one cup of dal, and cucumber salad.
  • 5 PM – One glass of carrot and beetroot juice without any sugar.
  • 6 PM – Snack with just a few walnuts, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds.
  • 7 PM – Dinner with one cup of dal, soybean curry, and leafy vegetables.

Natural Solutions and Treatments for Baldness:

  • Rule out underlying diseases or hormonal disorder by consulting a certified doctor. If you are seeing excessive thinning, only timely intervention by a doctor can help you.
  • Switch to a healthy diet. Get rid of all processed and packaged food. Try to include nuts in your diet.
  • If you spend 5 mins for your, face spend 10 mins for your hair. You can always imagine a face without make up but not a bald head. Massage your scalp with hot rosemary oil once a week.
  • Apply onion juice on the scalp and massage it for 10 minutes. The sulphur content in onion promotes new hair growth. Here’s how you can make homemade hair regrowth oil with onion.
  • Drink at a glass of carrot juice daily because carrots are rich in vitamin A, biotin, and beta carotene, which help hair to grow out healthy.
  • Increase your intake of vitamin B, inositol, calcium, magnesium, biotin, selenium, and iron through natural sources. Here’s the list of vitamins that you can take to aid hair growth.
  • Increase consumption of green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, cucumber, tomatoes, etc.
  • Eat vitamin E rich foods like avocado, eggs, fish, capsicum, walnuts, kiwi, peanuts, corn, broccoli, etc.

In worse scenario, where the above points don’t help, there are options available like having a wig or doing artificial hair transplantation. However, if you feel this cannot replace your natural hair, then better start pampering your hair now.

The post What Causes Baldness in Women? Symptoms, Solutions and Treatments appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.

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