We often shy away from sleeveless tops because we are uncomfortable with how our arms look. I am a part of this category as I’ve always felt uneasy when wearing sleeveless because I have baby fats on my arms. If you are in the same boat as me, this article is for you. With the help of these incredible eight tips and tricks, you can lose stubborn arm fat quicker than ever. Say goodbye to baby fat and welcome a summer collection of sleeveless tops in your wardrobe.

Tip to Lose Stubborn Arm Fat

1. More cardio: Don’t just run on the treadmill for 20 minutes, increase your cardio time and make sure you aren’t holding the machine. Use your arms too when doing cardio for about 40 minutes. You can also walk for 15 minutes and opt for 30-minute cardio followed by some arm stretching exercises.

2. Run: Running is great for your overall health, you can simply stretch a little, and start running. The upward and downward movement of your arms will ensure the muscle is being under pressure. This routine will overtime tone the arms and you will see your arm fat disappearing.

3. Planking: Planking really puts the right pressure on your arms and this exercise will not only reduce your arm fat faster but also tone them really well. It is difficult to hold a plank for more than a minute but if you push yourself, you can take it to about two minutes. Do not go beyond that as you may end up injuring yourself. Start with 30 seconds, gradually move on to 60 seconds and then maybe a minute and 30 seconds.

4. Opt for dips: Want toned arms at the earliest? Well, add dips to your daily workout routine. It is one of the simplest exercises to do even when you are at home. While at work, when you’re sitting at home or even when you’re watching TV, you can do dips. Just keep yours arms at shoulder width, hold the surface you’re using tightly and bend your elbows. Now by brining your entire body down, do your first dip. Keep continuing for 10 more sets and eventually increase your time with 20 sets.

5. Lat pulldowns: Want to add something fun to your gym routine? Well, seated lat pull down is effective and will give you toned arms in no time. Grip the bag of a pull-down machine at the gym and pull it to your chest level, raise it again and keep going. It strengthens your shoulders, makes your arms look slimmer and absolutely beautiful!

6. Pushups are a must: One exercise you should do every day even if you do not have arm fat are pushups. This targets upper arm fat and work up the biceps as well as the triceps. Make sure you keep doing pushups for at least more than a month to see results.

7. Triceps press: Stubborn arm fat can come back sooner than you think. Standing up or sitting, pick up a dumbbell of 1 kg, extend it over your head and bend your elbows behind. Lift upwards and down to keep doing the same. Continue this for 10 more sets. You can even do this at home if you don’t have dumbbells, you can take a big bottle of water and do the same. I’ve tried it and it works wonders!

8. Stretching: Warm up, stretching and some more stretching can really help you remove flab from your arm. Facing your palms upwards towards the ceiling, interlock them and stretch your arms as much as you can. Hold the stretch for a few seconds and continue.

Other than these exercises, one exercise that worked for my arm fat was badminton and skipping. I enjoy sports and skipping is my favorite. If you love it too, go for 20 minutes of skipping and it will do wonders to your arm fat. They will be gone in no time!

The post 8 Tips to Lose Stubborn Arm Fat appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.

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