Why do you guys think their approach to understanding scripture & religion in general is wrong? Aren't we supposed to reach religion using reason? If so, why not rely on reason for guidance when understanding scripture?

People usually reply by saying that minds are fallible & one could easily be led astray using one's mind. But I really don't find that convincing. If we were going to doubt our intellect (which is reasonable, I'm not disagreeing) why not doubt everything? And that everything will include religion. So aren't we supposed to ditch religion, by that reasoning? Since we reached religion by our intellect, which we are putting to doubt now. I really don't find that convincing. One could argue that we do not reach religion because of reason & rationality, but then aren't we now just ruled by mere chance where you're following x religion because you were born into that x religion ? Why use reason to reach religion, but ditch reason when interpreting religion? Aren't we using our intellect even when assessing it & declaring it fallible? Isn't that circular reasoning? we're using the assumption that our intellect could reach valid conclusions to reach the conclusion that our intellect can't reach valid conclusions!

What do you think?

submitted by /u/Depressed__panda
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