It said some harsh but real stuffs about our so called modern civilised society.

"We've stopped teenage marriage. People hardly marry around 15-19 but we cant stop abortion at the same age".

People have sex from early teens to old age but when it comes to marry, youre not old enough, mature enough, rich enough, live together to see how you sync. After all this prerequisite, you still change gf after gf, you go through multiple divorce, some are even afraid to get marry. When marriage should be an easy thing in islam.

"Dealing with the harsh customers shows your professionalism at job but putting up with angry-depressed husband is you're not getting valued enough/you deserve better etc".

People go through so much pain and suffering in their job. It puts so much pressure and stress on them. They are working so much hours in a week to get the job done. Still they do it for the sake of their career, their life goals, money etc. But when it comes to marriage as soon as the honeymoon phase is over, people are done? How much we try to save our marriage? How much work we put for our spouse who is angry, depressed, sick lately?

Anyways may Allah give us happy and peaceful marriage.

submitted by /u/dorballom09
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