Context: i know a full read through of Quran is rare, but I love to study religion, it is a passion of mine and I take classes on it as well. Last year I studied Christianity / Judaism side by side and the year before that, Buddhism. For 2020 I am going to study Islam, which is why..

...I decided to buy a study Quran for my first read through and I am very excited. I am currently on the preface which gives historical context on Quran, the Prophet, Islamic Sects, and other important things — basic information for a clean read through with less struggle if there is any. I also have online commentaries for a religious / secular perspective to also appreciate and understand the content to the best of my ability. I find it important to know both perspectives.

My thoughts so far: The Western media has unfortunately turned Muslims into a villain for a really long time and as a person within the west I admit I may have held ignorant opinions of Muslims and Islam because I had no knowledge of what it was and just assumed everything was accurate. Boy, I feel like an idiot. After reading through most of the preface and the basic beliefs I see that not only I but a large amount of others were ignorant as well. With little of it read so far I already threw away a lot of false information I thought was accurate. I sincerely hope others decide to educate themselves on the religion — it’s been very interesting so far.

Just wanted to express my appreciation as a non-Muslim.

Have a nice day!

Tl;dr: i study religion, started studying Islam recently, and starting Quran soon, learned a lot, threw away propaganda that I believed, and am enjoying my studies so far and wanted to express appreciation for the religion

submitted by /u/MaryKiegler
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