November 2019

First off, thank you Muslims for being here for me. This religion is the only one I've cared for and has really been the only good thing I've seen on this planet for the last near three decades.

I'm giving myself a few days to tell the people who I love how much I care about them. I'm going to write my thoughts out, some letters, and just spend my last few days care-free.

My life has been a disaster from start to finish. I've endured nothing but trauma for years. I'm not going to use this platform to complain, however. I'm done with being a victim of shitty circumstances.

I've been broke. I have over 200k worth of debt. I have no job. I was cheated on. I've had several people I know to die on me or be murdered. I've been falsely accused of a crime and had to endure jail and being "charged". I've then received job discrimination, harassment, and am currently living with no hot water.

I'm sick and tired of having others define my life. I depend on others to tell me that I cannot get an apartment, that I cannot work at a certain place, that I cannot think my own thoughts.

I've been made fun of for being a Muslim. I cannot fit in anywhere. People of my own faith do not understand me.

I'm actually freer than I've ever been. I'm not caring anymore. I'm at peace with the fact that I'll be long gone and the following day life will proceed as it has always done. Many will go to work, many will watch TV, many will go out to parks, etc. It'll be as it always is, like nothing important has occurred and life will go on as normal.

I'm tired of the hardships and the trials of this life. I cannot seem to make it through. For every single moment of my life I've been let down or have had doors shut on me. As a matter of fact, every door has shut on me. I couldn't win. I have not been able to win once. I'm always in some sort of trauma, suffering, or misery.

In the last several years I've realized how shallow most are. I've realized that most people care about nothing more than themselves and about advancing their position in life. Most people are quick to judge.

Think about how easily people kill others in the court of public opinion? Yeah, well I was one of them. I suffered from being "guilty" because I'm a guy, a Muslim, and because I didn't understand my rights. I had to be guilty according to them because the truth did not make sense. Actually, it did, but they weren't looking to find out the truth, only to "use anything I say or do against me" without ever giving a damn about the fact that I was innocent. Although I had years of probation and eventually a dismissal, I've been left with trauma. Trauma by courts, the lawyers, judges, and the police.

The only thing that I can honestly say despite my terrible life that I actually care about is God. I realize that I do believe in God and want to meet God. I can no longer bear to spend any more time here on this cold and soul-less earth. Well, the earth itself is fine but the majority of its inhabitants are plain cold-blooded and I cannot imagine spending another month here.

As for love, I do not believe it exists romantically. I'm married and was cheated on. This person is just "used" to me. It could have been anybody. It could have been a rock. It just happened that I've been "here" long enough to be the one who is in a relationship.

I thought I was in love with a girl who cared about me before but she really just wanted my friendship and used me for things. I was naive and thought that she actually did care until I saw her actions. She asked me some questions that I really despised once and I never saw her in the same light. I proceeded to love her for what she used to mean to me and what "could have been" but lost all hopes of ever caring enough to try to make something more out of it.

My parents were great and I love them dearly.

I hope God accepts me into a place where I can finally be at peace. I just want to be somewhere where I can finally live care-free, pain-free, judgment-free, with no worries, with no crippling anxiety and depression. I want to exist in some manner that allows me to be around with all that is good and away from all that is evil.

God, I love you and I'm sorry that I've failed you and that I was misguided and not more grateful.

I've thought about this for a long time and it's finally time to carry out my plan. This is nobody's fault and no one incident or moment caused me to contemplate doing this. I've just been detached from this worldly life to the point that the worst and best moments of my life were nothing more than just mere "moments."

I was the worst possible Muslim, had terrible thoughts about God, and committed too many sins that nobody knows about.

I am plain tired of being tired and want to finally be free.


submitted by /u/Mystik-Palace
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from Islam

Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

I have some questions on two portions of wudu, the mouth and nose

  1. If my nostril is slightly clogged when I make wudu(even if I snuff water three times) is my wudu valid?
  2. If I gargle water in my the back of my mouth and some phlegm rises, is my wudu valid?

Jazakallah Khair

submitted by /u/Last-of-the-Akbars
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from Islam

Throughout the day, my parents like to pull up Quran recitations of certain surahs because they claim it rakes in sunnah and protection. They play it through the TV. They leave the surahs playing in the background while they do chores/anything else. Is their claim true? Not trying to find an excuse to hate but I'm a very curious person.

submitted by /u/demran235
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from Islam

By Shelly Francis

The Internet has tones of reasons to lose weight. Some of the most common reasons include to look flattering in clothes, to keep diseases and heart issues at bay, to find soul mate, to impress your crush, to have better health, to feel confident, to fit in the so-called ‘perfect’ world. But today, we are discussing underrated, ignored but highly relevant reasons to shed those extra pounds! Read below!

6 Actually Good Reasons to Lose Weight

1. For Better Joints Health: According to a survey, people who weigh heavy or those individuals whose body store higher fat tissue are more like to get Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease. It is a common disease and can affect almost anyone, but people with a heavier body are more likely to get affected by it. It can affect any joint of the human body, like knees, elbow, hips, lower back and neck, small joints of the finger, etc. People suffering from osteoarthritis have issues to walk or move as the effected area triggers pain. Arthritis is a chronic illness and it can hurt the joints and eventually, you move less and worsen the illness. This makes it an excellent reason to make lifestyle changes and choose the path of fitness!

2. To Improve Your Immune System: Fat is an endocrine organ. That secretes hormones and cytokines (which is a cell signaling molecules). Surprisingly, hormones and cytokines are chatty and talk to each other chemically. Thus, they need to be in balance. But, if there is too much fat, things can go wrong and can affect the immune system. To avoid extra fat, you can read your labels, count your calories/macros throughout the day to be on a safer, healthier side. Increased Body mass index (BMI) and higher fat have a higher risk of several kinds of infections like stomach infections, nose-sinus infections, Herpes, etc. This is because of excess amounts of adipose-fat tissue which releases high amounts of immune chemicals. Over time, the body’s ability to spot actual outside infection is affected and your body is prone to certain infections.

3. To Survive Delivering Your Baby: People with higher fat have issues during and after delivering the baby like they have longer operating time, they have a higher risk of infections, they have postoperative complications and it’s difficult to intubate. Also, most obese women cannot give birth naturally and need to undergo Caesarean sections. If an obese woman wants to deliver naturally, she may need more instruments and medical procedures. Obese women may take some time to recover post-pregnancy compared to an average-sized woman. Thus loose weight to have a better pregnancy and speedy recovery!

4. To Enjoy Life’s Most Ordinary Blessings: There is a huge list of things that are difficult for an obese woman to perform like running after kids, playing with them, carrying babies in the supermarket. But, a healthy woman enjoys spending time in the park, has higher energy levels, recovers fast after illness and can walk without getting tired quickly.

5. To Get Better Sleep: People with higher fat can potentially get sleep apnea. Fat in the airway narrows the space available, which makes the airway prone to collapsing. Fat in the upper body reduces the space for lungs causing breathing issues while sleeping. The body needs more oxygen but it is unable to get due to fat. It is founded that almost 25 percent of adults have sleep apnea, and 50 percent of obese adults are suffering from it. How does sleep apnea affect weight? Sleep plays a very important role in regulating metabolism. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can affect metabolism. This means there is hormonal imbalance and there is a higher risk of chronic diseases. By losing weight, not only you’ll sleep better but your mind, body, and soul will work more efficiently. Thus, your metabolic rate will spike up and hormones will be well-balanced.

6. For Uncountable Benefits: With a healthy amount of body fat, daily life struggles can become a little bit easier. Have a look at these positive changes that can occur after shedding weight, your joints will thank you, cold will go away faster, you get to sleep like a baby, a speedy recovery after surgery and not to mention some attention from the opposite sex!

I hope this article influences you to lose those extra pounds, DO it for yourself and believe that you can do it!

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Skin Tone: Medium to Dusky

I hope you are all doing great. I love makeup and I am addicted to lipsticks, I am proud to say that I am a lipstick junkie. I like to try all new lipstick launches, especially I love matte formulas. Laura Mercier’s latest lip product launch is the velour matte lip crayons that have received raving reviews in the beauty community. I started by picking one shade in this line and today I own 4 of them, that’s how amazing they are. Today, I am going to review “Laura Mercier Velour Extreme Matte Lipstick Fatale”. Read on to find out more about this wonderful lipstick.

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Product purchased by IMBB

As the winter is in its full swing these days, I am busy finding the best body lotion and body butter to nourish my skin. This winter my skin has become drier and patchy. If I forget to moisturize it from time to time, it becomes very dry and flaky. For the rescue, I chose my all-time favorite Palmer’s. Today, I’ll be reviewing Palmer’s Coconut oil Formula Coconut oil Body Lotion that is perfect for very dry skin in winters.

Palmers Coconut oil Formula Coconut <p>The post <a rel=Palmer’s Coconut oil Formula Coconut oil Body Lotion Review appeared first on


I have never understood why there are so many Al Azhar defenders who will blindly defend anything that by Al Alzhar and will not tolerate any criticizing against it.

  • "Al Azhar's positions are right because it's Al Azhar"

This is called an argument of authority. It's a failed logical fallacy.

Al Azhar has, in recent decades, become a total mouth piece for the Egyptian Military.

Why does it have any credibility left? Why do so many people still listen to it?

submitted by /u/Medium_Association
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from Islam

Salaam everyone. Here is a couple I have thought about over the past 6 months about:

  1. What is the point of Allahs test if he already knows the outcome precisely how it is going to happen.
  2. If creation is to benefit humans, then what is the benefit to the billions of humans who are burning for eternity?
  3. Most people who are born in their religions, statistically stay in that religion. Why is it that Allah's main criteria for entering heaven or hell the religion that you are in when most people are just simply never going to become Muslim based on their geography
  4. I've never understood how you can coincide these two points: Its apart of Allah's plan and we have free will. How can we have free will if we are just following Allah's sought out plan? Also, what's the point of interfering in the first place if Allah wants us to make decisions for ourselves?
  5. Over the past couple of months, I have studied evolution quite extensively. I have come to terms with the fact that evolution CAN work with the Quran, however, I really can't wrap my head around Adam and Eve and how that can work with Evolution? Can anyone help me understand how you can reconcile those two facts?

Jazaakallah Khayr. I appreciate any response I get. This post is not meant as anything other than clarification. I dont expect schloarly answers of course, just anything that can clear some of my thoughts up slightly.

submitted by /u/Granuloma-man
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from Islam

May allah forgive me in advance but my imaan has gone down so low that I barely recite and listen to quran aswell and because of my last post on how I was questioning myself of becoming an apostate, I feel like my fear in Allah sometimes turns into mental resentment or upset and listening to quran has been of a low desire.

I realise that it's a major problem and I need to get it sorted out

submitted by /u/BlaZackin
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from Islam

It seems, unlike many (most) communities on Reddit, that you lack of a "follow the community rules" on the right side of the sub. There is the usual 'posting to reddit' part, but nothing concerning r/Islam. There is even a part 'posting to reddit' (#5) saying 'Read the community's rule' But i can't find any.

There is a community option (theme) but nothing else.

Is there a post already made to explain why there is no such thing?

Thanks for your reply on this important matter.

submitted by /u/DramaIfPossible
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from Islam

I am a person who "can't say no". I really really want to be able to follow only Qur'an and Sunnah, but I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't say no to my parents, my friends, or even strangers.

My biggest fear is committing the shirk of obedience, deliberately or not, and be among the losers of Hereafter.

I accept no God besides Allah and that Muhammed is his slave and prophet, but the thought of somehow being in a state of kufr due to my actions that stem from my inability to say no is eating through me.

submitted by /u/MillenniumDH
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from Islam

Salam alaikum everyone,

So some time in the future, I would like to go on a big hiking trip that would take about 6 months. I'm already planning to ask a sheikh about this, but thought to get some general opinions first. Basically, would this be okay? Since I'd be missing jummah for those months and I'm male. Your thoughts and knowledge is appreciated. If you need more info about the situation, lemme know.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/potatowithglasses
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from Islam

Skin Tone: Medium to Dusky

NARS is one of my favorite brands and I love their liquid lipsticks and complexion products. Recently, they came up with liquid blushes and I decided to give it a go. Today, I am going to talk about the Nars Liquid Blush in the shade “Dolce Vita”. Read on to find out how this worked for me.

Nars Liquid Blush Dolce Vita Review

$46 AUD for 15ml

Product Description:
The latest in NARS’ cult-favourite blush lineup. This liquid formula offers a veil of natural-looking colour that builds easily and blends effortlessly.
Add a healthy flush of colour and glow with this lightweight silky formula that glides effortlessly onto skin for sheer yet buildable colour. Available in universally flattering shades, this versitile blush can be used before or after makeup or mixed with other products for a number of different finishes. Infused with luxe oils and vitamin E to enhance skin radiance and retain hydration, ensuring the weightless colour wears all day.

Nars Liquid Blush Dolce Vita Shade Name

Dimethicone, Water/Aqua/Eau, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Adipic Acid/Neopentyl Glycol Crosspolymer, Vinyl Dimethicone/Methicone Silsesquioxane Crosspolymer, Boron Nitride, Propanediol, Peg-10 Dimethicone, Isostearic Acid, Vanilla Tahitensis Fruit Extract, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Gardenia Taitensis Flower Extract, Tocopherol, Calophyllum Inophyllum Seed Oil, Isopropyl Titanium Triisostearate, Bis-Hydroxyethoxypropyl Dimethicone/Peg-2 Soyamine/Ipdi Copolymer, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Palmitic Acid, Butylene Glycol, Benzoic Acid, Ethylhexylglycerin, Phenoxyethanol, [+/- (May Contain/Peut Contenir): Mica, Titanium Dioxide (Ci 77891), Iron Oxides (Ci 77491), Iron Oxides (Ci 77492), Iron Oxides (Ci 77499), Carmine (Ci 75470), Red 7 Lake (Ci 15850)],

My Experience with Nars Liquid Blush Dolce Vita:

This blush comes packaged in a beautiful transparent square glass bottle with a black cap and a pump dispenser. There is also an outer black cardboard box bearing all the product details and shade names.

Nars Liquid Blush Dolce Vita Packaging

Nars launched only four shades (Orgasm, Torrid, Luster, Dolce Vita) in this collection with matte and shimmer finishes. Dolce vita is a pretty dusty mauve pink shade with a matte finish. This is a classic mauve-pink blush that will flatter all complexions.

Nars Liquid Blush Dolce Vita Pump

This blush has a luxurious formula and a semi-thick creamy texture. The pigmentation on this product is phenomenal and I will call it a “less is more” kind of product. I usually take a very little amount- less than a quarter pump on the back of my hand and blend it with fingers onto my cheeks. This blends like a dream and gives a beautiful fresh plumped up kind of look to the skin.

Nars Liquid Blush Dolce Vita Hand Swatch

I am obsessed with this product. I apply it even without foundation to give a flushed look to my cheeks. It sits well on the foundation and works well with other products as well. You can layer it with powder blush on the top but I don’t do it as I think this is looking very pretty on its own. I love this product and I hope to purchase the other shades in the future. The only thing I need to be careful is to use only a little amount as it is super pigmented and since it has a pump, I always feel that some product gets wasted at the back of my hand.

The lasting power is also amazing, it lasts a good 8 hours. So guys, if you like liquid blushes and fresh looks, then this product is for you!

Pros of Nars Liquid Blush Dolce Vita:

  • Cute packaging comes with a pump.
  • Semi thick consistency.
  • A dusty mauve pink shade.
  • Matte finish.
  • Insane pigmentation.
  • Long-lasting.
  • Blends well.
  • Gives a fresh look.

Cons of Nars Liquid Blush Dolce Vita:

  • Less can be more, as it is super pigmented.

IMBB Rating: 5/5
Would I Repurchase/Recommend Nars Liquid Blush Dolce Vita?
Yes to both.

NARS Orgasm Liquid Blush
NARS Dolce Vita Blush
Nars Dolce Vita Velvet Matte Lip Pencil
NARS Dolce Vita Lip Gloss

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Today’s review is all about Elie Saab Girl of Now Eau de Parfum. Elie Saab is a Lebanese fashion designer and Kate Middleton happens to have worn his gown. This for sure makes the brand royal. This fragrance was released in 2017. Read on to know more about it.

Elie Saab Girl of Now Eau de Parfum Review

Product Description:
The new perfume capturing the spirit of the “Now generation”.
Always with her girl gang, she attracts all eyes to her. Spontaneous, playful and carefree!
The spirit of the Girl of Now in a fragrance.
A distinctive gourmand floral Eau de Parfum: an addictive note of Almond, textured with Orange Blossom and Patchouli, the brand’s signature.
Girl of Now starts like an uplifting sparkle with notes of Pear and Mandarin orange. Fresh-roasted Pistachio leads to a unique floral scent created exclusively for Girl of Now: the Ormond Flower. Made of bitter Almond Essence and Orange flower absolute, it boosts and amplifies the positive mood.

Alkohol, Parfum (fragrance), dipropylene glycol, Aqua , linalool, benzyl salicylate, coumarin, limonene, hexyl cinnamal, ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, Alpha-isomethyl ionone, diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl hexyl benzoate, geraniol, citronellol, citric acid, citral, benzyl benzoate, benzyl alcohol, CI19140, BHT, CI14700, CI60730

$50.00 for 30ml

My Experience with Elie Saab Girl of Now Eau de Parfum:

The product comes in a cardboard packaging along with a plastic outer cover. The color of the packaging is quite colorful making it eye-catching. The outer packaging is white, golden and turquoise. Inside this is the beautiful glass bottle beautifully crafted. I totally fell for the packaging. It definitely feels royal and quite oriental. The hardware in the cap is also golden with beautiful petals in turquoise. The whole packaging reminded me of Marc Jacobs Daisy. But believe me, it is much better than that in every way. Looking at the packaging, I initially assumed it to be a floral fragrance. I am a fan of floral fragrance and hence gave it a try. But was totally surprised.

Elie Saab Girl of Now Eau de Parfum Packaging

The product looks classy, bright, bubbly and is targeted to the younger crowd. The fragrance can be compared with Chanel or Dior but it is of little lesser price with the same quality. The fragrance is strong and not a mild one. Many of them prefer mild fragrances but this is not for those people. It does carry a punch in it. It is also not the kind which gives a headache. It’s a perfect balance.

The top notes are fruity- citrusy orange, pistachio, and pear.
The middle notes are almond, magnolia with orange blossom.
The base notes are composed of almond, cashmere, patchouli and tonka bean.

Elie Saab Girl of Now Eau de Parfum Packaging (1)

The top note does feel strong when you first spray but does not last long. It settles in quite quickly and the middle notes get in action. The middle notes are very warm and deep. Making it very wearable.

Elie Saab Girl of Now Eau de Parfum Cap Open

The staying power is also close to 10 hours which is great and cannot ask for more. Just 2 sprays are sufficient. The fragrance is not a regular perfume and does smell different. It sends a young, sweet, warm and cozy message.
If you are looking for a slightly cheaper version of Coco Mademoiselle or Miss Dior, then give this a try.

Pros of Elie Saab Girl of Now Eau de Parfum:

  • Beautiful packaging.
  • Warm fragrance.
  • Good staying power.
  • Different fragrance.
  • It can be worn to office or parties.

Cons of Elie Saab Girl of Now Eau de Parfum:

  • None.

IMBB Rating: 5/5
Will I Recommend Elie Saab Girl of Now Eau de Parfum?

Elie Saab Essence No 4 Oud Eau de Parfum
Elie Saab Le Parfum Eau De Parfum
Marks and Spencer Opulence Oud Eau de Parfum
Gucci Oud Eau de Parfum
Creed Royal Oud Eau de Parfum
Dolce and Gabbana Velvet Desert Oud Eau De Parfum
The House of Oud Blessing Silence Eau de Parfum
Roberto Cavalli Oud Al Qasr Eau De Parfum
Armani Prive Oud Royal Fragrance

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In this post, I will talk about Khadi Shuddha Advanced Coconut Creme Oil. Let’s get into the review of this product now.

Khadi Shuddha Advanced Coconut Creme Oil Review

Product Description:
Khadi Shuddha Advanced Coconut Therapy Cream Oil is enriched with coconut oil and milk proteins, a new way to nourish and strengthen hair. Coconut oil stimulates hair growth getting deep into hair follicles and milk proteins work to restore your hair’s natural shine. This therapy will quickly provide necessary hair nutrients in the advanced delivery method, leaving you with nourished, smooth and shiny hair.

• Advanced coconut therapy oil is formulated with the goodness of coconut oil and milk proteins to nourish and strengthen hair
• Coconut oil promotes scalp health and stimulates hair growth adding luster to your hair
• Milk proteins work as a softener on hair and help in restoring hair’s natural shine
• This product is made with 100% natural ingredients and is free from parabens and chemicals

INR 249 for 210 ml

Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Coconut Milk Proteins, Glycerine, Fragrance, Base Q.S.

Khadi Shuddha Advanced Coconut Creme Oil Ingredients

My Experience with Khadi Shuddha Advanced Coconut Creme Oil:

This body oil comes in a rounded transparent plastic bottle and has a black flip-open dispenser cap. The packaging is simple, sturdy and sleek. It is easy to dispense the product from the bottle and doesn’t cause any unwanted wastage. All the product details pertaining to the description, directions of use and ingredient details are listed on the body of the bottle in a detailed fashion. The bottle is transparent, so you can see the amount of product left. It is free from the use of parabens and chemicals and is all naturally made. Overall, there is nothing fancy to adore the packaging. I also wouldn’t like to carry it for travel purposes fearing spillage issues.

Khadi Shuddha Advanced Coconut Creme Oil Packaging

This oil contains coconut oil and coconut milk proteins to strengthen and hydrate your strands. I have been using coconut oil since childhood days, hence trying out this oil was an obvious choice given the prior experience I had with Khadi products. The oil also smells heavenly and has a sweet coconut fragrance which doesn’t feel artificial at all. I am absolutely in love with the smell and after I oiled my hair, this smell stays for long.

Khadi Shuddha Advanced Coconut Creme Oil CapOpen

This body oil doesn’t have normal liquid consistency like other oils have. As this is basically cream-based oil, it looks like thick pearl white cream that has to be applied to the strands evenly. The quantity required is very little. I start by applying this oil to the roots and spread it towards the entire length focussing mainly on the mid-length and ends. It feels lightweight and non-greasy and gets absorbed quite well too. I massage this oil gently on the hair roots for about 5 minutes and leave it on for about an hour. Post this, I rinse off the oil from the hair with a mild cleansing shampoo. I never leave it overnight as it makes my strands feel too oily and limp.

Khadi Shuddha Advanced Coconut Creme Oil Hand Swatch

Let’s talk about my experience with this product now. Just like the product claims, it effectively nourishes my scalp and hydrates the strands well. It makes my hair soft, smooth and also restores the natural shine. I also use this oil as a leave-in conditioner post shampooing and it helps to ease the process of combing thereby keeping my hair frizz-free for long. With respect to hair fall control, this oil did nothing. I have used it for over 2 months but I haven’t really found any hair growth or strengthening of hair follicles. All that I could notice was adding luster and softening of hair strands. Hence, I feel this hair oil is more suited for people with dull, dry and lifeless hair that needs nourishment. It’s not really meant to combat hair fall or dandruff issues.

Overall, this was a decent hair nourisher oil for me. It didn’t do anything extra-ordinary in improving scalp health and boosting hair follicles. So, if you are in the lookout of some good oil just for hair nourishment and shine without the use of harmful chemicals, this crème-based oil is a good choice right up your sleeves.

Pros of Khadi Shuddha Advanced Coconut Creme Oil:

  • Good for daily use.
  • Enriched with coconut oil and coconut milk proteins.
  • Gentle for the hair.
  • It doesn’t make hair greasy.
  • Very less quantity needed.
  • It has a sweet coconut fragrance.
  • Nourishes the strands.
  • Promotes healthy luster.
  • Softens and smoothens the strands.
  • It can be used as a leave-in conditioner.
  • Controls frizz if used after taking a shower.
  • It does not contain parabens or SLS.

Cons of Khadi Shuddha Advanced Coconut Creme Oil:

  • It doesn’t help to combat hair fall.
  • It doesn’t really strength follicles or promotes growth.

IMBB Rating: 3/5
Would I Recommend/Repurchase Khadi Shuddha Advanced Coconut Creme Oil?
Yes, this is a good choice for all coconut oil lovers.

Khadi Wheat Germ Oil
Khadi 18 Herbs Herbal Ayurvedic Hair Oil
Khadi Amla Hair Oil
Khadi Ayurvedic Hair Oil – Rosemary and Henna
Khadi Herbal Hair Oil Amla and Brahmi
Khadi Bhringraj Herbal Hair Oil
Khadi Ayurvedic Vitalising Hair Oil
Khadi Tulsi Hair Oil
Khadi Trifala Hair Oil
Khadi Sweet Almond Oil
7 Best Hair Oils For Faster Hair Growth

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Allah the Exalted says:

˹It is˺ a Quran We have revealed in stages so that you may recite it to people at a deliberate pace. And We have sent it down in successive revelations.

Al-Isra' 17, Ayah 106

Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said:

If the first verse to be revealed was to not drink wine, they would have said we will never stop drinking. And if it had been revealed to not commit adultery, they would have said we will never stop committing adultery.

Sahih Al Bhukari

submitted by /u/ttailorswiftt
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from Islam

Can anybody share their opinions on islamqa. For the specific concern here’s the link

And can anyone clarify in taking pictures what’s okay and not okay? Also, living in the States and how I grew up made me realize how many haram things I do.

Whenever I confronted my family about things they do that’s haram they answer by saying we aren’t perfect Muslims but we try to be good enough like getting a passing grade on an exam.

submitted by /u/Azel_dagger
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from Islam

Skin Tone: Medium fair, warm undertones
Nail: Thin and brittle

I bought some nail paints a few months back and I am totally enjoying using them. Today, I am going to share my views on Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish in the shade Per-Suede, Malibu Peach and Totem-ly Yours. So, keep reading for more details.

Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish Per Suede Malibu Peach Totemly Yours Review

Product Description:
Life-proof polish. Our ultimate chip-resistant nail polish, miracle gel™, is patented technology for longer wear. No uv lamp required. Our ultimate chip-resistant nail polish, miracle gel™, is patented technology for longer wear. No uv lamp required.
The next best thing to a salon gel manicure that you can do at home
The longer-lasting manicure
Number 1 selling gel polish in the US*

Price and Quantity:
INR 599 for 4.7ml

Butyl acetate, ethyl acetate, nitrocellulose, acetyl tributyl citrate, isopropyl alcohol, tosylamide/epoxy resin, stearalkonium bentonite, triphenyl phosphate, glycidyl neodecanoate/phthalic anhydride/tmp crosspolymer, aqua/ water/eau, adipic acid/neopentyl glycol/trimellitic anhydride copolymer, calcium alpinkuminum borosilicate, calcium sodium borosilicate, synthetic fluorphlogopite, isosorbide dicaprylate/caprate, silica, diacetone alcohol, etocrylene, kaolin, hydroxyethyl acrylate/ipdi/ppg-15 glyceryl ether copolymer, acrylates/dimethicone copolymer, corallina officinalis extract, tocopheryl acetate, phosphoric acid, trimethylsiloxysilicate, dimethicone, cetyl peg/ppg-10/1 dimethicone, styrene/acrylates copolymer, polyvinyl butyral, carthamus tinctorius (safflower) seed oil, butylene glycol, macrocystis pyrifera (kelp) extract, hydrolyzed conchiolin protein, methylparaben, propylparaben, tin oxide, [may contain/peut contenir/+/-:mica, titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499), fd&c yellow no. 5 aluminum lake (ci 19140), ferric ammonium ferrocyanide (ci 77510), d&c red no. 6 barium lake (ci 15850), aluminum powder (ci 77000), bismuth oxychloride (ci 77163), d&c red no. 34 calcium lake (ci 15880), d&c red no. 7 calcium lake (ci 15850), d&c yellow no. 11 (ci 47000), manganese violet (ci 77742), ultramarines (ci 77007), d&c violet no. 2 (ci 60725)].

My Experience with Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish- Per-Suede, Malibu Peach, Totem-ly Yours:

The nail paints come in cute and transparent glass bottles with the brand’s tagline printed in white. It has a black colored screw-on cap that closes securely making it leak-proof and travel-friendly. There is an applicator attached to it. It is easy to spot the shade from outside only. There is a sticker on the top of the cap bearing the shade name and number. There is an applicator attached to the cap. I like the applicators of these Sally Hansen Nail Paints. The bristles of the applicator are of good quality and do not lose their shape. It spreads nicely on the nails and helps in getting précised applications.
Now let’s discuss each shade one by one.

Malibu Peach: It is a very pretty peach shade. This will look beautiful on a fair skin tone. It is definitely a fresh summery shade and can be used for everyday use, as it is very subtle. The pigmentation of this shade is on the sheer side and I need two-three coats to get intense color. The finish is smooth and glossy.

Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish Malibu Peach Packaging

Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish Malibu Peach

Per-Suede: This is a warm-toned brown and I love this color. This shade has strong warm undertones. This shade is flattering for all skin tones. It has good pigmentation. Two swipes give opaque color and a nice glossy finish.

Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish Per Suede Packaging

Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish Per Suede

Totem-ly Yours: This is a beautiful n*de shade, which will flatter almost all skin tones. This is a beige kind of shade. The shade is subtle and great for everyday wear. It has a glossy sheen to it. The pigmentation is decent and semi-opaque. Two swipes give opaque pigmentation.

Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish Totemly Yours Packaging

Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish Totemly Yours

The texture of the nail paint is slightly on a thicker side but smooth. The gel formula makes the nail paint glide effortlessly on the nails. It gives an acrylic gel nail kind of finish. I top it with the Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Top Coat and that gives a super glossy gel nail kind of finish. The duo of the nail paint and topcoat gives salon-like gel nails. The nail paint dries pretty quickly in a few seconds. It stayed nicely on nails for some 6-7 days without any significant chipping, which is pretty impressive. It is not very easy to wipe off and requires a good nail polish remover to remove it properly. I feel the nail paint remover wipes work the best in removing these nail paints. I use the ones from Kara. Overall, I really love these nail paints and they come in a huge variety to choose from.

Pros of Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish- Per-Suede, Malibu Peach, Totem-ly Yours:

  • Good packaging.
  • Nice applicator.
  • Pretty shades.
  • It comes in different textures.
  • Glossy finish.
  • Smooth texture.
  • Dries quickly.
  • Decently pigmented.
  • Lasts long.
  • Easy to wipe off.
  • No significant chipping issue.

Cons of Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish- Per-Suede, Malibu Peach, Totem-ly Yours:

  • Some shades are on the sheer side.

IMBB Rating: 4.5/5
Will I Repurchase/Recommend Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish- Per-Suede, Malibu Peach, Totem-ly Yours?

Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish – Mintage, Combustealble, Beatnik, Coral Carnival
Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Top Coat
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