This is an excellent excerpt from The Great Theft on the contemporary reception of modern day khawarijites. Chapter 3, The Rise of the Early Puritans

Considering the dismissive attitude of the Wahhabis towards Islamic hisotry and law and the whole classical tradition, it is not surprising that the movement came under severe criticism by a considerable number of contemporaneious scholars - most notably, Abd al-Wahhab's own brother, Sulayman and reprotedly, his father as well. Sulayman, the brother wrote a full treatis dedicated to criticising the manners, education, and teachings of his puritanical brother.

The mufti of Mecca, Ibn Humaydi (d. 1295/1878), a man of considerable note and authority at the time, reported that Mohammad bin Abd al-Wahhab's father was upset with his son because he was not a good student and was arrogantly defiant towards his steachers. In fact, the younger Abd al-Wahhab did not complete his Sharia studies and it is not clear whether he dropped out of law school or was expelled.

... And yet, while Ibn Wahhab was dismissive toward the works of most jurists, he treated the words of some, such as Hnbali jurist Ibn Taymiyyah as if they were divinely revealed, not to be questioned or debated. But even then, he was very selective with the works of Ibn Taymiyyah, citing only what he liked and ignoring the rest. Rather tellingly, Ibn Humaydi, a strong admirer of Ibn Taymiyya as well, repeated the same accusation againt Ibn Wahhab

... Other jurists also expressed grave concerns about the potential danger that Wahhabism posed to the integrity of Islamic eithics. Sulayman bin Suhaym, a prominent Hanbali jurist from Najd and a former supporter wrote what was at the time an influential treatise appealing to Muslim jurists to take the Wahhabi threat seriously and to take active measures to counter it.

Several mainstream jurists writing during this period, such as the Hanafi jurist Ibn Abidin and the Maliki jurist al-Sawi described the Wahhabis as a fanatic fringe group, and because of the Wahhabi's bloody practices, labeled them the "modern-day Khawarij of Islam".

submitted by /u/hl_lost
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