I’ve run into a problem recently where people will just say the nastiest things to me since my conversion. My friends and family treat me differently, which hurts, but it was expected. It’s the worst online, and Reddit seems to really breed these problems. I’ve been called grossly inbred, a cousin f**, sand n**, I’ve been told that I should kill myself and that I should be sold as someone’s wife. None of this I have ever experienced before, I’m a white woman from Dallas, Texas. Privileged doesn’t even begin to cover describing it, but now I feel like a cover has been pulled off my head and it makes me physically ill.

I was a very aggressive person in my past, I always responded to hostility with more hostility and often violence. Now I’m trying to be nice to these people and give them information about Islam but often times I just get called worse names. I’m just wondering where the line is, where do I stop trying to be kind and spread the word of Allah when someone is really set on hating me and saying these awful things to me?

submitted by /u/HopsMagee
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