September 2019

In this post, I am going to review The Body Shop White Musk Leau Eau de Toilette. Read on for more details on this EDT.

The Body Shop White Musk Leau Eau de Toilette ReviewThe Body Shop White Musk Leau Eau de Toilette Review appeared first on


He replied: "These ropes are the various lusts with which I strike on the children of Adam." Yahya asked: 'Does there exist a rope for me too?' Satan said: 'Yes.' When you satiate yourself with food, you experience weightiness and it is for this reason you become disinclined to perform prayers, remembrance and supplications. Hearing this, Yahya vowed: By Allah! Never shall I eat to my fill, ever again. Iblis re­ sponded by pledging: And by Allah, never shall I give advice to a Muslim, ever again.'

Ahmad in al Zuhd, page 96.

submitted by /u/Gharib96
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from Islam

Following excerpt from Ibn Fadlan and The Land of Darkness.

Ibn Khurradadhbih on Sallam the Interpreter and Alexander’s

Wall 844

Ibn Khurradddhbih (c. 820- c. 911) served for many years as director of the barid, the Abbasid postal and intelligence service. He was a friend the caliph Mu‘tamid (reigned 870-892) and wrote on musical theory, literature and geography. His Kitab al-masalik wa’l-mamalik (Book of Roads and Kingdoms) is the earliest surviving work of descriptive geography in Arabic. Later geographers, including Istakhri, Ibn Hawqal and Muqaddasi, augmented and perfected this form by incorporating their own observations and those of knowledgeable travellers. We know from citations by later authors that we possess only an abridgement of his great work.

This is what Sallam the Interpreter told me:

The caliph Wathiq, having seen in a dream that the barrier raised by Dhu al-Qarnayn (Alexander the Great) between our lands and those of Gog Magog had been breached, sought

for a person capable of going to that place and discovering what state it was in. Ashnas 2 said to him:

‘No one is so suitable for the task as Sallam the Interpreter, who speaks thirty languages.’ Wathiq summoned me and said:

‘I want you to go to the barrier and examine it and tell me what you find.’

He gave me an escort of 50 strong young men, 5,000 dinars and 10,000 dirhams as the price of my blood. Each man received a personal allowance of 1,000 dirhams and a year’s provisions. On the orders of the caliph, felt jackets covered with leather were prepared for us, fur-lined boots and wooden stirrups. Two hundred mules carried the provisions and water necessary for the journey.

We set out from Samarra bearing a letter from Wathiq addressed to Ishaq ibn Isma‘Il, the governor of Armenia residing at Tiflis, asking him to help us on our journey. Ishaq gave us a

letter for the ‘Master of the Throne’. 3 The latter wrote concerning us to the king of the Alans,

and this king wrote to the Filan-shah, and he in turn to the tarkhan, 4 king of the Khazars. Having reached the tarkhan, we stopped for a day and a night and then we set out again, accompanied by five guides whom this king gave us.

After having travelled for twenty-six days, our company entered a land where the earth was black and gave off a rank smell. Luckily, we had taken the precaution of providing ourselves with vinegar to combat the bad air. After ten days’ march across this country, we

spent another twenty days passing through ruined towns. We were told that they were the remains of the towns previously invaded and devastated by the people of Gog and Magog.

At last, we reached a number of fortresses built close to the mountains, in one chain of which stands the Barrier. We found people who spoke Arabic and Persian. They are Muslims and know how to read the Qur’an, and they have schools and mosques. They asked us where we came from. On learning that we were the envoys of the Commander of the Faithful, they exclaimed in surprise:

‘The Commander of the Faithful!’

‘Yes,’ we replied.

‘Is he old or young?’

‘He is young.’

Their amazement increased and they added:

‘Where does he live?’

‘In Iraq, in a city named Samarra [Surra-man-ra’a].’

‘We have never heard of it,’ they answered.

The distance between these fortresses varies from one to two farsakhs.

Next we reached a city named Ikah (Hami), which is ten farsakhs in circumference and has gates of iron which are closed by lowering them. Within the confines of this city there are fields and windmills. It is in this city that Dhu al-Qarnayn camped with his army. It is three days’ march from there to the Barrier. Passing fortresses and small towns, on the third day one reaches the Barrier. The chain of mountains forms a circle. It is said that Gog and Magog are enclosed within. The people of Gog are taller than those of Magog; their heights vary

between a cubit and a cubit and a half. 5

Then, we reached a high mountain surrounded by fortifications. This is the Barrier of Gog Magog. There is a ravine 150 cubits wide through which these people used to sally forth to infest the earth, until it was sealed by Dhu al-Qarnayn. The Barrier was built in the following manner. First the earth was excavated to the depth of 30 cubits and foundations were laid, built of brass and iron, up to the level of the ground. Then, two enormous piers were raised, 25 cubits wide and 50 cubits high; at the base a projection jutted out 10 cubits beyond the gate, one on each slope of the mountain, to the right and the left of the ravine. The whole construction is made of iron bricks sheathed in brass, each of which is IV 2 cubits long and 4 fingers thick. An iron lintel 120 cubits long and 5 wide rests on the two great piers, and its ends extend 10 cubits beyond them. This lintel supports masonry built of iron bricks sheathed in brass that rises out of sight to the summit of the mountain. I estimate the height to be roughly 60 cubits. It is crowned with thirty-seven iron crenellations, each armed with two horns that curve inward towards each other. Each crenel is 5 cubits long and 5 wide. The portal itself has double doors of iron, 50 cubits wide and 50 high and 5 thick. The uprights of the doors swivel on an axis that is in proportion to the lintel. The whole structure is so solid that not a breath of wind is felt either through the door or from the mountainside, as if it had been made in one single piece. On the portal, 25 cubits from the ground, there is a bolt 7 cubits long and a fathom round, and 5 cubits above the bolt there is a keyhole, even longer

than the bolt itself, and the two wards are each 2 cubits long. Above the lock hangs a key IV 2 cubits long and 4 spans in circumference, with twelve iron teeth, each the thickness of a pestle. The chain holding it is 8 cubits long and 4 spans round, and the ring by which it is attached to the door is like the rings on a piece of siege machinery. The threshold of the door is 10 cubits wide and 100 cubits long, not including the part that runs under the pillars. The part that juts out is 5 cubits wide. All these measurements are given in the cubits known as ‘black cubits’.

Near the gate there are two forts, 200 cubits square. To the right and the left of their gates two trees have been planted and a stream of fresh water runs between the two forts. The instruments that were used in the building of the wall are preserved in one of the forts: enormous iron cauldrons, like those used for making soap, iron ladles and tripods, each of which can support four of these cauldrons. There are also the iron bricks left over from the construction of the wall, fused together by rust.

The responsibility for guarding this gate is hereditary, like the caliphate, and runs in the family of the commander of these fortresses. He rides out every Monday and Thursday in the early morning, followed by three men, each equipped with a hammer. One of them climbs a ladder, which is leaning against the door, and when he reaches the top step, he strikes the bolt with his hammer. Then, if one applies one’s ear to the door, one hears a muted sound like a nest of wasps. Then everything falls silent again. Towards midday, a second blow is given and the same sound heard, but a little louder. In the afternoon, they strike the bolt again, with the same result. The commander only retires at sunset. The point of these blows is to tell those on the other side of the door that the guards are at their posts and to let them know that Gog and Magog have made no attempt against the door.

Near this place there is a large fortified area, 10 farsakhs wide and deep, in other words an area measuring 100 farsakhs square.

Sallam said:

‘Having accompanied the commander on one of these sorties, I asked whether the gate had ever suffered any kind of damage. I was told that there was only one small crack no bigger than a thread.

“‘Have you no fears concerning the door?”

‘“None,” they said. It is 5 Alexandrian cubits thick, each of which equals IV 2 “black cubits”.

‘I took a knife from my boot and began to scratch the crack, from which I obtained half a dram of dust, which I tied in a handkerchief to show Wathiq.

‘On one of the panels of the door, there is an inscription in letters of iron, which gives the following words in the original language:

“‘When the promise of my Lord comes, He will make it powder, and the promise of my Lord is true.” 6

‘The general appearance of the building is strange, because the yellow layers of brass alternate with the black layers of iron, so that for the most part it is striped horizontally.

‘It is still possible to see on the mountain the mould made for casting the doors; the place where the furnaces stood for blending the brass; the place where the tin and the copper were

melted together; the cauldrons, apparently made of brass, each with three handles, together with their chains and hooks for the purpose of hauling the brass up to the top of the Barrier.

‘We asked the guardians of the gate whether they had ever seen anyone of the race of Gog and Magog. They told us that one day they had seen several of them on top of the mountain, but a violent wind had thrown them back to their side. Seen at a distance, their height did not appear to be more than a span and a half.

‘Seen from the outside, the mountain has no plateau or downward slope; it has absolutely no vegetation; there are no trees or plants to be seen; it stretches into the far distance, steep, smooth and white in colour.

‘On our departure, we were escorted by guides who led us in the direction of Khurasan. We crossed a country whose king is called al-Lub and then the kingdom of Tabanuyan, which pays taxes to the governor of Khurasan. We spent several days at the residence of this prince. Then we continued on our journey. It took eight months to travel from the Barrier to

Samarkand. On the way, we passed through Isblshab, Ushrusana, 7 Bukhara and Tirmidh, where we crossed the river of Balkh (Oxus). By the time we arrived at Nishapur, there were only fourteen of us left, having lost, either through death or sickness, twenty-two men on the way out and fourteen on the way back.

‘We had been obliged to abandon the sick in villages along our route and bury the dead in their clothes. As regards provisions for the return journey, the garrisons of the forts had supplied us with everything we needed. At Nishapur, we went to ‘Abd Allah ibn Tahir, who gave me 8,000 dirhams and distributed 500 to each of my companions. Furthermore, he allotted 5 dirhams a day to each horseman and 3 dirhams to each foot soldier, until we reached Rayy. We only had 23 mules left.

‘When we reached Samarra, I presented myself before Wathiq to tell him of our adventures and I showed him the iron dust that I had extracted from the door. The caliph gave thanks to Allah and large sums were distributed in alms. Each of my men received a reward of 1,000 dinars. Our journey to the Barrier had taken sixteen months and the return had taken twelve months and odd days.’

First Sallam the Interpreter gave me a short summary of his journey, then he dictated the account in the form that he had presented to Wathiq.

Ibn Khurradadhbih (1885), 162-70

submitted by /u/hl_lost
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from Islam

Salam aleykoum wa rahmatulah I had a school debt for a few months now (without interest) but I only paid it after the last day of the calculation for zakat. I didn’t had time because I was working all summer on week days. Do I still count it when I will pay the zakat?


submitted by /u/Ayoubcaza
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from Islam

Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters, my friends and I (8 in total) have started a fantasy basketball competition and wanted to have some sort of prize for the winner at the end. The prize will be funded by the remaining 7 players. So just wanted to know if this is haram or not.

The competition involves a lot of luck, but there is still some skill involved in selecting the players, making trades and signing new players.

Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/ugeboy
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from Islam

Please more elaboration than "because Allah says so." Like is there a practical reason where we can say "okay yes that makes sense?"

I've searched through other posts and none of the answers really resonated with me.

Something about cohesion in society and family structure. There are humans who don't want to have a family, and who just want casual sex.

I 100% believe that if you commit adultery you deserve the punishment that Allah has ordained (married adultery,) and I 100% believe that you deserve whatever you get for unmarried adultery but I don't understand why.

submitted by /u/ScienceFreakWeak
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from Islam

Does science show that it is not possible for that realm pre-big bang to have always existed. Or can we also infer that through logic that this is not possible in that the realm pre-big bang essentially always existed. I know this may be more of a philosophical question rather than a scientific one. But I'm willing to accept views dependent on either subject.

I just want to deconstruct an argument that a friend of mine made and I don't want to say anything that could essentially be wrong.

submitted by /u/Mohk72k
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from Islam

Yes, scholars are human beings. Yes the tradiitional scholars can be wrong. Yes, Dr. Qadhi can be wrong as well. Honestly, nobody really knows and anyone who claims with certainty on this topic is ignorant.

submitted by /u/hl_lost
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from Islam

A bold red lip never goes out of vogue, and I can never get enough of bold, neutral reds. The “Matte Melt” range from Lakme received raving reviews on the Rati Beauty app and I picked up a classic red. Read on to know the review of Lakme Absolute Matte Melt Liquid Lip Color Red Vibe.

Lakme Absolute Matte Melt Liquid Lip Color Red VibeLakme Absolute Matte Melt Liquid Lip Color Red Vibe Review appeared first on


All of His attributes are unlike the attributes of the creation—

  • He is attributed with knowledge, which is nothing like our knowledge.

  • He is attributed with Power, which is nothing like our power.

  • He is attributed with Sight, which is nothing like our sight.

  • He is attributed with Hearing, which is nothing like our hearing.

  • Allah The Almighty is attributed with Kalam (Speech), which is nothing like our speech, as it is neither by means of organs, parts, limbs, sounds, nor letters (alphabets).

  • Letters (alphabets or Sounds) are a creation. Yet Allah’s Kalam (speech) is not created (since it is nothing like our kalam whatsoever).

  • He is a shay’ (entity/thing) but nothing like other entities/things.

  • The intended meaning of saying He is a shay’ (“thing”) is to merely affirm His existence, but He is not a body, nor substance: Neither composed of nor consists of parts of a whole, or a whole without parts.

  • He does not have limits nor ends.

  • He does not have equals nor comparables

  • There is nothing similar to him.

Source; Fiqh Al Akbar

submitted by /u/Yusman26
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from Islam

I've replied to this person and he or she said something I really don't have a clue about here's what they say

Sharia law dictates that a woman cannot go outside without being accompanied by a man, that a woman is a father's property to marry away, that a woman who have sex outside marriage, that including rape, is legally responsible and may be stoned to death, and that women who do not wear a hijab or burka (depending on what country) can be arrested.

Oh gee, I wonder where I get that silly little idea of mine from

submitted by /u/tHaTwAsChEeSy
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from Islam

Today, I am going to review The Body Shop White Musk Flora Eau De Toilette. Read on to know more about this perfume from The Body Shop.

The Body Shop White Musk Flora Eau De ToiletteThe Body Shop White Musk Flora Eau De Toilette Review appeared first on


best job search apps for Android
Finding work is both easier and harder than it used to be. It’s easier because the magic of the Internet allows you to search large databases and the magic of word processing allows you to create tight, solid resumes and CVs. However, navigating those things can be difficult for some people because not everything is straightforward. There are a ton of places to look, a lot of overlap, and a bunch of accounts to make. It could be easier. In this roundup, we’ll look at the best job search apps for Android! This list is primarily targeted at United States residents. However, some of these are worldwide organizations. We also recommend this one for our India readers!

Craigslist Pro

Price: Free

Craigslist is a decent spot for job searching. You usually won’t find super high paying jobs or jobs that require a lot of experience. However, the service is usually awash in entry-level stuff, simpler jobs, freelance stuff, and the like. It’s an excellent resource for self-employed people. It’s also good for fast, quick work if needed. App for Craigslist Pro is one of many Craigslist apps, but this one seems to work well. You can always browse the site on your mobile phone browser as well. It’s simple and light enough to not really cause any problems on a browser.

Craigslist Pro - best job apps


Price: Free

Glassdoor is a one of the more popular job search apps. It includes more features than most other apps in the category. For instance, you can find out average earnings of many career fields. There are also company reviews from employees of the company. It’s not always accurate, but it can give you a good idea of what to expect. The job search tool is simple, the design looks good, and there are additional tools to find you a job. We also like the secondary and tertiary tools for things like salary expectations, employee reviews, and other such niceties. It’s also entirely free with no ads or in-app purchases.

Glassdoor is one of the best job apps for android

Google Search

Price: Free

Google Search is actually a surprisingly good app for job searches. You can, of course, find all of the apps above and below this one in website format with a simple search. In addition, Google itself has a selection of open jobs for people who search although you may need to do that on desktop rather than on mobile. This is an ongoing project at Google and they move forward fairly quickly. You can now apply for jobs at McDonald’s via Google Assistant if you want to. Google is doing its part to help people find work. It’s not perfect, but it’s completely free and you don’t have to sign up for anything.

Google App is one of the best job apps for android

Indeed Job Search

Price: Free

Indeed Job Search is another popular job search app. It boasts a user base of 100 million people. That’s encouraging for job recruiters. It also boasts jobs in 50 countries in 28 languages. The interface is a little old. However, all of the functions work well. You can upload your resume, search for jobs in a number of categories, and save jobs to apply for later. It’s one of the big dogs in the category and a lot of jobs show up there.

Indeed Job Search - best job apps for android


Price: Free

Jobsora is an above average job app. It has an absurd number job listings with a variety of categories and filters to help you narrow down that crazy high number. You can filter based on things like salary requirements, job types, hours, work experience, and even stuff like public transportation requirements. It works internationally so those outside of the US can use it as well. It works in Europe, most parts of Asia, and North and South America. The experience is a bit hit-and-miss. After all, you’re surfing through millions of jobs. However, you can find some decent stuff with a little perseverance.

Jobsora is one of the best job apps for android

Resume Builder Pro

Price: $3.99

Resume Builder Pro does what the name says it does. Naturally, it can’t hold a candle to powerful desktop apps like Microsoft Office and other such things. For mobile, though, you can’t do much better than this. You can build a basic resume that includes the usual things like skills, objective, experience, education, and references. Filling in the info is easy enough. The generated resumes look highly professional even if it lacks a bit of flair. It’s an essential app for those looking for jobs. Those looking for something a little more traditional may want to try Microsoft Word. There are a variety of resume templates there. However, this one is slightly better suited to mobile.


Price: Free

Snag (formerly Snagajob) is one of the better job search apps. It features a simple design, all the basic features, and tons of jobs to apply for. Some of the unique features include daily job notifications for jobs that are close to what you want along with a personality test for potential employers. Other than that, it’s a fairly basic job searching experience. Plus, this is one of the sites that Google Search sources for their jobs. It’s not bad.


Price: Free

Trovit is another one of the more popular job search apps. It features a pretty decent search with plenty of filters to find the kind of job that you want. You can also add jobs to your bookmarks for future use. The app can also send you alerts when jobs that fit what you want show up. It’s an excellent way to apply for a lot of jobs very quickly. The ratings in Google Play have improved immensely over the last year as well.

trovit best job search apps for Android


Price: Free

It didn’t take long for ZipRecruiter to amass over one million downloads. It’s one of the newer job search apps. However, many people already trust it. It features the basic stuff like job searches, the ability to save jobs, and other stuff. You can also immediately apply to jobs once you fill out a couple of forms and upload your resume. This one-click apply feature makes it really simple getting your name out there.

Uber, Lyft, and similar apps

Price: Free

There are a variety of apps for the self-employed. Uber, Lyft, Rover, Etsy, Door Dash, Pro Referral by Home Depot, UberEATS and many other similar apps offer opportunities for contractors and freelancers to make money. Most of these are driver positions. Uber, Lyft, Door Dash (and similar companies) all pay decent wages and you get tips. Most of the rest of them have at least somewhat consistent part time work. It all depends on what you want to do. It can be great for making a few extra bucks or as a part time job. Some people even go all the way and make a decent living with these apps full time. They’re not job search apps necessarily, but they do offer consistent job opportunities.

Uber is one of the best job apps for android

10 best business apps for Android!

10 best cryptocurrency apps for Android! (Updated 2019)

If we missed any of the best job search apps, tell us about them in the comments! You can also click here to check out our latest Android app and game lists!

from Apps – Android Authority

Bluestacks android emulator games featured

PC emulators for Android have come a long way in the past few years, and now you can enjoy a wide variety of games that your phone might not even be able to run. Bluestacks is our favorite Android emulator with a gaming focus, so we put together this list of the best games to play on the Bluestacks Android emulator. Just click any of the links below to start your Bluestacks download and get playing right away!

Best games on Bluestacks Android emulator:

Editor’s note: This list will be updated regularly when new Bluestacks games are released.

What is Bluestacks?

Bluestacks is one of the most popular Android PC and Mac emulators, used by more than 370 million people around the world. It not only allows you to run Android games on your desktop, it offers a number of additional features to take the experience to the next level.

Those features include improved graphics performance compared to even high-end smartphones, custom mappings for keyboards or bluetooth controllers, and multi-instance capabilities to play on more than one account at a time. Plus, there are regular giveaways for gaming gear and in-game items.

Why use Bluestacks?

The advantages above make Bluestacks an ideal choice for a number of Android games. While most mobile games are designed to be played in short spurts, some require extended play times that will eat through your battery in no time at all. Others, like PUBG Mobile, have graphics requirements that your phone might not meet.

For streamers, Bluestacks has even more advantages. It’s easy to stream to Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, and more using OBS or other streaming software. This is a much more comfortable setup than streaming from your phone, which requires specialized cables and software.

Is Bluestacks safe?

Yes, Bluestacks is safe. Unlike many other Android emulators, Bluestacks is a legitimate company based in California that takes data protection seriously. Even so, you should always be sure to download Bluestacks from their official website, and not any third party websites.

Bluestacks will, however, consume a lot of resources on your computer, just like many other resource heavy applications or games. Keep that in mind if you want to leave it running in the background on a less than powerful machine.

Ready to get started? Just hit the Bluestacks download button below, then scroll down to the bottom and click the green download button. Or keep reading to learn more about our favorite games on Bluestacks.

1. AFK Arena

On the surface, AFK Arena looks like just another gacha game, but there is enough depth in its auto-play mechanics to sustain a huge playerbase around the world. Plus, the graphics and animations are fantastic, with just enough story to keep you interested in grinding it out. This makes our list of the best games for Bluestacks because you can take advantage of combo keys to repeat stages each time they’re finished. This is a game-changer for grinding out progression for both new and experienced players.

2. Azur Lane

Azur Lane is another gacha game that goes far beyond simple afk (away from keyboard) auto-battling. You need to strategically assemble a flotilla of six warships to take down enemy forces. Developer Yostar has done a fantastic job updating the game with new events and characters, and gameplay is much more exciting than in its peers. That’s why so many players have stuck around more than two years after its official release. Definitely check this one out if you’re into anime aesthetics or gacha-style games.

3. Brown Dust

This is a newer strategy game for Western audiences, but it’s been popular in Asia for quite some time. It features auto-battling, but first you need to place nine characters on a grid and choose their attack order. It sounds simple, but with different classes and character specialties, there’s a lot of strategy that goes into it. It has strong gacha elements, but it is very free-to-play friendly, so don’t worry if you don’t want to fork over your hard earned cash.

4. Epic Seven

If you haven’t heard of Epic Seven at this point, you are in for a treat. It’s one of the best gacha RPGs out there, and for good reason. Hand-drawn animations make the side-scrolling combat look great, and frequent new events and updates keep things interesting. There’s also a large and active community of players, so you don’t need to worry about this one going away any time soon.

5. Goddess: Primal Chaos

Goddess: Primal Chaos is one of the prettiest MMORPGs on Android, and it will look even better on your PC or Mac. It features three classes to choose from, and frequent updates mean there’s always new content to burn through. The level cap was recently increased to 240, so there’s plenty to do for both new and long-time players.

6. Honkai Impact 3rd

Honkai Impact 3rd is an action RPG from Chinese developer miHoYo. It makes our list of the best games on Bluestacks because of its incredible full-3D graphics and frequent updates. Plus, PvP aspects have been downplayed significantly, which will be a welcome change for looking for a single-player experience. There’s even co-op play if you want to hack and slash away at baddies with a friend.

7. King’s Raid

King’s Raid is another mobile game that has stood the test of time. It has fairly standard action RPG gameplay, but what really makes this one stand out are its visuals. They’re spectacular, but can drag down some mobile devices, making it a perfect candidate for Bluestacks. Be aware, however, that there are gratuitous levels of fan service.

8. PUBG Mobile

While Tencent has their own PUBG Mobile PC emulator called Tencent Gaming Buddy, BlueStacks is a great way to play one of the most popular battle royale titles out there. Not only can you take advantage of using a mouse and keyboard (or Bluetooth controller), the game will likely run much more smoothly on your PC than your phone. It’s also a very large game if you want to play on all maps, so if your phone doesn’t have much storage space a Bluestacks download is ideal. It even supports Ultra HD 2K resolution, if your PC or Mac can handle it.

9. Star Trek Timelines

Star Trek Timelines is one of the oldest games on our list of the best Bluestacks games, but it’s a must play for fans of the epic sci-fi series. You play as the captain of a ship that has slipped into a temporal anomaly, pulling characters from other timelines into your own. This means fans can collect everyone from Kirk and Picard up to Michael Burnham and Saru from Star Trek Discovery.

10. The Walking Dead No Man’s Land

There are a number of games based on AMC’s hit zombie series, but No Man’s Land is one of the best. It’s a fantastic way to play through the series, but it doesn’t run smoothly on all mobile devices. Fortunately, the game runs great on Bluestacks, so you can tear through zombies as your favorite characters without having to worry about crashes or running out of battery. Be sure to also check out The Walking Dead: Road to Survival on Bluestacks!

That’s it for our list of the best games to play on Bluestacks. We’ll be adding more games as they come to the Bluestacks Android emulator!

from Apps – Android Authority

best plants apps and flower identification apps featured image
Nature fans don’t have a ton of uses for mobile. After all, mobile phones can’t plant crops, weed gardens, or go on hikes for you. They can be very useful, though. Namely, they’re helpful for identifying plants, tips and tricks on how to grow stuff better, and general information about plants, flowers, food, and other stuff. There are a ton of apps that deal with the plant side of nature. Of course, don’t forget that Google Search is always an option as well! Here are the best plant apps and flower identification apps for Android!


Price: Free

Agrobase is a serious app for farmers and the like. It has an extensive database of plants, weeds, pests, and plant diseases. It’s extremely useful for identifying all kinds of plant life. In addition, the app features a web app, consistent updates, detailed descriptions, good photos, and more. It may be a bit of overkill for the casual gardener, but good information is good information. It’s definitely among the best plant apps.

Agrobase - best plant apps for android


Price: Free / $1.99 with in-app purchases

FlowerChecker is among the most popular flower identification apps. It works as a service. You send in a picture of a flower and an expert tells you what it is. Unfortunately, the process isn’t free. Each identification will cost you about $1. They claim it’s because humans identify the plans and not a computer algorithm. Thus, the money goes to paying those people. It worked well in our testing. The app is also probably most useful for those flowers that you just can’t find on a Google Search.

Google Play Books (or your favorite e-reader platform)

Price: Free / Book prices vary

Growing plants is one of mankind’s oldest activities. There is a virtually endless supply of written information on the subject. That includes history, plant and flower identification, how to grow stuff, and tons of other information. Frankly, there are more book options than there are app options for this topic. Google Play Books is nice because it syncs with your Google account on your Android device. Other options include Amazon Kindle and Nook by Barnes&Noble. They all have books about plants, gardening, bugs, plant identification, and other such material.

Google Play Books is one of the best plant apps for android

Insect Identifier

Price: Free

Insect Identifier is one of the newer apps for gardeners and outdoor enthusiasts. It works a lot like some of these other plant identification apps, except for bugs. You take a picture of the insect and the app identifies it for you. The app also includes detailed information about each bug, a log of the bugs you’ve photographed, and more. It’s not necessarily great for plants or anything like that. However, you can quickly identify if a bug on your plants is dangerous to the plant and deal with the situation as needed. This one runs for $4.99 with no in-app purchases or advertising.

Insect Identifier - best new plant apps


Price: Free / Up to $19.99

PictureThis is one of the newer plant apps. It works a bit like Google Goggles and similar apps. You snap a picture of a flower, plant, berry, whatever. The app then uses the photo to identify it for you. Unlike FlowerChecker, this one uses computer algorithms instead of human hands. Thus, there are a few errors here and there. However, in general, the app actually seems to work pretty well. It features a database of thousands of plants, advice columns, and more. It does have the occasional bug, but usually nothing too serious. There is a premium version that unlocks all of the features, but you do get some stuff for free.


Price: Free

Plantix is a plants app for growing things. It offers a bunch of information on growing various crops and other plants. The app also helps with diagnosing problems, including various diseases and other potential problems. The app has a global reach with tons of people helping with regional plant information and even local in some cases. Thus, it somewhat functions as a social media or forum space for growers as well. The app is free to download with no ads or in-app purcahses.


Price: Free

PlantNet is one of the most popular plant apps. It works a lot like PictureThis. You take a picture of a plant. The app uploads the photo to the service and tries to identify the plant. It features a bunch of plants, flowers, bushes, fruit plants, and the like. It worked well for us. The app developers do say that the app has trouble with ornamental plants. It’s something to be aware of. It’s completely free to download and use with no ads or in-app purchases.

What’s That Flower

Price: Free / $3.29

What’s That Flower is one of the more popular flower identification apps. It doesn’t rely on things like photo uploads. Instead, it starts with a basic questionnaire. You tell it the color, what kind of pedals it has, its environment, etc. The app then tells you what it could possibly be. This is excellent for recalling flowers you didn’t get a photo for. The app supports over 600 different types of flowers. The free version contains ads with online-only support. The pro version is offline capable, removes ads, and adds some other criteria to search for.

Whats That Flower is one of the best plant apps for android


Price: Free / $12.99 per month

YouTube has just about everything and it’s a bit of a lame pick for a list like this. However, there are tons of videos about plants. You can choose between purely informational content, tips and tricks for growing and maintaining plants, gardening tutorials, plant identification tutorials, recipes for stuff that you grow, and a lot more. It’s not great for everything. However, there is simply a wealth of information here if you don’t mind searching around a little bit. YouTube is free to use with advertising. You can pay $12.99 per month to remove the ads, enable background play, and more.

YouTube Premium is one of the best plant apps for android

Various retailers

Price: Free / Items costs vary

Various online retailers are extremely useful for gardeners. They are quick, easy access to various tools, including basic gardening equipment. Online retailers can also offer quick access to weed killers, lawn bags, and even seeds. You can even get books and other reference materials for educational purposes. Most of them, like Home Depot or Lowe’s, have physical locations where you can get living plants to transplant into your garden. The apps are free so there’s no harm in shopping around to see what you can find.

Amazon is one of the best plant apps for android

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If we missed any great plant apps or flower identification apps, tell us about them in the comments! You can also click here to check out our latest Android app and game lists!

from Apps – Android Authority