As salamu alaiykum, I'm studying Islam and considering converting. I have some questions if you don't mind.

Regarding the haram of interest. Is getting a loan from a bank, owning a credit card, etc all haram? If so, how do Muslims buy a house? Do they pay cash for everything? Or are there banks that will loan Muslims interest-free home loans?

Why is smoking a hookah not haram but cigarettes are? I've never smoked hookah tobacco, but by the looks of it, it seems far more intoxicating due to the sheer volume of tobacco smoke compared to a single filtered cigarette.

Is it considered haram to appreciate the beauty of a woman who is not my wife even if I don't have sexual desire for the other woman?

Thank you for any clarification you can give to any of these questions.

submitted by /u/bombadil1564
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