I find it simply amazing that we can sit here, browsing reddit one day, and another elsewhere in the world exploring and another working a day job.

Life is so full of surprises. Just ponder that for a moment.

Each day is unique, yet if our imaan is strong enough - we know this is all a living dream. Nothing is forever.

It really makes you appreciate how much Allah loves you.

He has GIVEN and GIFTED you this life. He has given you things like food, entertainment, shelter, warmth, sex, love, attachment, children and most of all an able body.

It’s a really simple thing to overlook and honestly...makes you realise why Allah calls most of humanity ingrates.

Allah SWT loves everyone, our prophet also loved everyone.

Let’s take a step back. Let’s go back to a simpler time. Let’s stop fighting and arguing.

One of the most amazing things about our beautiful Prophet SAWS is how care-free and relaxed he was. Never did he worry except for his ummah. He spent life knowing it was but temporary.

May Allah bless us all. Salaam.

submitted by /u/HibanaBugged
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from Islam https://ift.tt/2XhLjyW
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