When you remove what I believe are the additions of later generations, as with happened to the Torat and Injeel, it is so obvious that many of the verses in the Buddhist holy book are extremely similar to what God sent down to Muhammad pbuh.

An excerpt from Chapter 20, "The Way", my insight being in [brackets]

(2.) Indeed this is the Way; there is no other leading to the purity of vision. Enter upon the Way; the Way that is the bewilderment of Mara. [Buddhist name of Shaitan]

(3.) Following this path, you will make an end of suffering. This indeed is the Way that can lead to removal of the thorns (of defilement). I have shown it to you.

(4.) You, yourselves, must walk the path. The Tathagatas (i.e., the Buddhas or Enlightened Ones) [or Prophets] are only proclaimers (of the Way). Those who are absorbed in meditation [prayer], who remain on the path, will be free from the bondage of Mara.


(16.) When death comes,

(17.) Neither Children, father, or other loved ones Can offer refuge, Aware of this, those with reason behave well and don't delay in doing good, and make clear the path to Nirvana [Buddhist "paradise"]"

Subhanallah, it is hard to read this and not see the simple message of Islam, in it the shunning of the Tempter, the benefits of prayer/meditation, the ultimate reality of death, and the attainment through good deeds of Paradise. The other chapters show many of the same similarities.

Allahu'Alim, but we've seen what's happened to Isa/Jesus pbuh. It could have very well happened to a prophet in a highly polytheistic land as north India, as these writings were complied generations after Siddhartha/Buddha himself. To me it increases my imaan even more to see the same essential messages proclaimed by an entirely different, probably disconnected at the time, nation.


Edit. Sorry for the formatting, on mobile and don't know how to fix it lol

submitted by /u/Onetimehelper
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from Islam http://bit.ly/31u3jo6

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