As-Salamu Alaikum, good evening, friends of the r/Islam, I hope everyone is in the great peace of Allah. I am a student of the religion of Islam, but in my heart I feel very chaste when I am in a mosque, when I am studying and when I can, in my efforts, study Islam and read the Holy Quran. In the days that I began my studies, I believe that certain things began to appear as key events in my life, small incidents that occurred and had to do with the things I studied, may be only a simple rationalization but at the moment they occurred, I I felt with a strength beyond what I have felt in all my life. Friends, sorry if I sound outrageous, I have not yet studied and I have no total contact with the prayers, the supplications, the du'a, but I ask, if possible, at some point in your day, plead for God to give me strength, I'm tired, I'm sick, I'm going to be sick for a week, I can not take more pain in the abdomen of coughing, I'll go to the doctor tomorrow again and I know that everything will be fine in the end, maybe I should take some antibiotic the doctor might prescribe, but I want to be better soon. I ask, if possible and not an offense, this help. Forgive English from Google Translator hahahah I'm doing everything in a hurry, I'm getting some work done from my college and also from my personal life. Thank you all.

submitted by /u/ananxiouscaco98
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