I’ve seen too many bigots and islamophobes on reddit. Too many hate comments, too many false statements and objective and hypocritical claims. Too many rude and hate-driven posts. I know I have been browsing on the wrong side of reddit, but I need your help, I seriously do. I’m thinking of leaving Reddit entirely. The persecution is too much!

I just want your comfort. And please tell me how to deal with this. I’ve given debate worthy, correct, logical answers, and it never works.

Shaytaan has succeeded. I applaud him. An impressive feat it is- blinding billions of people into bigotry.

Again, please tell me how to deal with this Islamically and please tell me how I can calm down. Thank you so much, Jazakallah.

submitted by /u/NoPunIntended44
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2EL7qSU
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