This is really weird. So I’m a recent convert. I didn’t convert for the man I’m dating. I’ve always wanted to convert. He just sort of inspired me to do something I’ve been wanting to do for many many years but was too afraid to do. I’m very serious about living a good Muslim life. I get that this all wont happen over night. A little background on me. I’m American. I grew up with very western ideas and upbringing.

The guy I’m dating is from the Middle East. He grew up Muslim and for all accounts seems like a devout Muslim. He is young but isn’t living the most halal life. No judgement from me. I figure he’s young, he’s having fun. We don’t have sex but we do have a very intimate relationship that includes everything BUT sex.

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to say to him “Hey, this has been fun. I know I was down for whatever but now I’m Muslim and I don’t feel we can date unless you are willing to become a good Muslim man.” I can’t ask him to give up his freedom for me if he is not ready.

So I guess I have to just tell him that I’m on a different path. Maybe present the idea of dating the halal way and if he’s not cool with it then let him go. Which is fine. It just sucks because I do like him a lot. He’s met a lot of my friends. We feel very comfortable with each other. But our relationship is so new. I can’t ask him to date me the halal way because that would mean “Hey I want to marry you.” Which honestly wouldn’t be so bad because we do get along so well and we do have great chemistry but I don’t want him to think he can continue any type of relationship with me unless it honors Allah.

I guess I know the answer. I just needed to vent. But any advice is welcomed.

submitted by /u/StayBehindThePines
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