This is something that happened yesterday and I felt like sharing it here.
I don't have a huge amount of knowledge about my faith, I was born a Muslim but I'm still learning about it. Because of this, when I see the people on YouTube that try to discredit/disprove Islam even if they use preposterous claims I wouldn't know because I just simply don't know enough about my religion. I try to stay away from those channels but people are saying their stuff even in the comments of pro-Islamic videos.

Anyways, i was searching about Islam and i find a youtube video saying something negative about the Qur'an and saying it has errors/inaccuracies and that specific channel was a fairly big channel too with many videos like this. I didn't watch any of the videos but my faith is astaghfurallah too easily damaged because of my lack of knowledge, so I felt my Imaan damaged. Something I must also say is that earlier in the same day I was watching Islamic videos and I would do this thing where I would think of 2 random numbers and go to that chapter/verse in the Qur'an, And I feel compelled to do this now after finding that channel
So i think of 72:81 but because of me doing that thing i mentioned earlier i kinda figured out the higher chapter number you go the lower the verses go, So I invert the first number to get 27:81 and when i go to that chapter I'm shocked, mouth literally open at what it says. It says:

" Nor can you lead the blind out of their misguidance. You can make none hear ˹the truth˺ except those who believe in Our revelations, ˹fully˺ submitting ˹to Allah˺. "

After this i also eventually realise that this guy wasn't exactly the greatest of guys (was a former muslim according to himself) and he had also tried to justify incest among other things.

submitted by /u/The_Best_Gamer64
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