Asselamu aleikum, I have some problems lately, pretty much economic problems, and I have to deal with my ultra pessimistic spouse. He always thing that we are never going to be in a better situation, and that we will never have anything in life. I’m the complete opposite, I think positively and put my trust in Allah that He will help us. We can afford nothing but basic stuff (Alhamdulilla), basically just the food we eat, the rent and utilities, but sometimes we barely make it at the end of the month. He’s the only one working, I know it’s hard but as Muslims I think we need to be optimistic about life in general and think that Allah in one way or another is going to provide for us, if we pray and try to achieve our goal. He lost his previous job, and after that he became even more negative about everything (he has always been a pessimistic person even before that). I’m studying btw, but I’m looking for a job, in the country we live in it’s hard to find a job. I’m afraid that Allah is kinda “punishing” us because of his thinking, is this possibile?

submitted by /u/Spill_the_tea_24
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