Assalamou Alaykoum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh

I'm 21(F) and I had enough. I litterally don't wanna live my life according to what others think is right for me can be true sometimes, BUT, as a practicing Muslim I wanna quit college and look after Marriage.

I dont care about career, All I need is to settle with a partner and have a family, I can freelance and have some extra money. but, Studying and getting certificates is'nt my thing, I'm smart and good for that but no, I just don't want it anymore.

I wanna please my lord as much as I can, i wanna learn my Religion and memorise the Quran with college it's just too much pressure for what?

The system is just an indoctrination and salvation at its finest.

If someone has gone through my experience tell me what has worked out for you.

Jazakoum Allahu Khairan, May Allah blesses you with rightoeus spouses who'll be a mean for you to Jannat Al Firdaws,Ameen.

submitted by /u/BecomesBetter
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