assalamu alaikum,

i just have some questions and i‘d be glad if someone could help me out.

  1. i have to pray 2 raka’at when i enter the masjid. Do i have to pray 2 raka’at when i leave ?

  2. why the finger when we are on our knees and read at tahiyyat ? how do i use it ? i see some shaking it, some are just holding it up.

  3. as example i was just praying maghrib at my local masjid, and after adhan everybody started praying but at their own. I don’t visit the masjid often so i thought everybody is doing maghrib and i made my niyyah to pray maghrib ( idk why i got kinda nervous, i hope Allah forgives me)

is it for every prayer ? i just went for ishaa a few times and they didn’t do it. Or is it because of the karahat before maghrib.

i prayed the maghrib again with the imam as well, asked for Allahs forgiveness because of my mistake.

submitted by /u/user472839
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