Hello, I wanted to give you some tips that help you memorizing the Quran

  1. Learn basic Arabic for you to understand what you are actually reading and memorizing it will be so much easier (r/learn_Arabic)

  2. Don’t jump straight up to long surah start by memorizing short surah (also try using them regularly in your prayer so you don’t forget it I do that and it helps a lot with my memory)

  3. Memorizing long surah will be much easier if u separated to parts memorizing them separately then when you memorize all the parts memorizing them as whole (this is what I was doing in school) try dividing by length or them or story (and you can divide the departed part It’s fine to take your time memorizing it)

  4. Even after you memorized the whole Quran (something I’m aiming for) or a certain amount of surah to regularly read it and brush up. What’s your memorizing bc Quran escape the brain so (bc Allah want you to read the Quran regularly so you get more hasanat)

  5. Last minute advice, because I forgot until I was about to post, anyways read what do you want to memorize in loud voice or hear someone reading it bc using 2 senses instead of ّ2 will help memorizing

Hope this helps y”all journey into memorizing the Quran

Also, if you have any tips share with us lol it may help you get has hasanat

submitted by /u/mini_chan_sama
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