Coming out to my Mum as Muslim (M19)

I just need help and advice with a very hard situation I have found myself in, everyday it is a mental challenge and I just want a peaceful end to it all.

For a while I have been wanting to convert to Islam, it's a religion I have always looked up to and I love so much of it! Whether it be the 5 daily prayers or the beautiful month of Ramadan we currently find ourselves in, it's something I have always admired. In August I have started to date a Muslim girl (F19) and my parents are fully aware and supportive of the relationship, the only problem is they know down the line one of us would have to convert for us to truly be together.

My mum (my dad does not really have an interest in this) has been very local that under no circumstances am I to convert but in the last 5-6 months I have been getting a lot of signs from Allah to convert, it made me believe and caused an active interest in Islam and I was making plans to gain knowledge and convert officialy in a year or 2. Just by pure luck last month I ran into someone handing out free Qu'rans who convinced me to do the shahada.

Since then I have learned to do wudu, pray, read some of the Qu'ran and recently have began fasting for Ramadan. For every prayer I do I will do a dua just for my mother, to help her understand Islam and for Allah to guide her and show her the light the same way he showed me. I have kept all of this in secret from my mum bar Ramadan which is pretty hard to keep secret when you both live and eat in the same house.

She is convinced it is my girlfriend controlling me and me becoming her puppet whilst in reality she didn't have a large impact on my conversion. Everyday we have arguments over this situation and it's getting to my mental health, it is hard enough praying and living life in secrecy as a Muslim but worse when your mum actively ridicules you for fasting and planning to in advance.

I was just wondering what advice I should take? I would love to come out as Muslim but just 2 weeks ago my mum told me she would "disown" me if I made the step to convert. I know she is just an overprotective mother scared of her child but how can I convince her not only of my girlfriend but my religion?

My Muslim friends have told me to simply play the waiting game and hopefully she will see Islam and Christianity are very similar and that Islam has shaped me to become a better person but its been 8 months since I have been dating my partner and still my mum hasn't changed her perception and idea on Islam.

Please help.

submitted by /u/TemperatureMedium432
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