I think it’s really interesting how when I ask them “who created this world?” They say the big bang or something then I ask “who caused that?” And their only response is “okay who created god?”

The answer is, God is uncreated. And they will say “that makes no sense!”

I believe as humans, we cannot comprehend certain things. Someone saying to me “God is uncreated” DOES in fact confuse me, but I accept that I am a Muslim HUMAN and I cannot understand everything.

I wanna ask them, what is more confusing, this world coming from nothing or randomness, or this world coming from God who is uncreated (which is actually extremely logical because god CANNOT be created) who is all powerful, all knowing, and who sent us a holy book with proof? What does you understanding that god is uncreated have to do with any of this? I don’t understand the exact concept of gravity but I accept it. You don’t need to understand EVERY single thing to believe in something.

It’s just so funny how they act like they are super intelligent because they talk about science when they sound stupid. I think the issue is a lot of atheists who know about science may debate a Muslim that is not knowledgeable enough so the Muslim may not answer certain questions which is why the atheist is viewed as “intelligent” by others. But if you debate an intelligent Muslim, it’s a different story. Im not saying Muslims who don’t have the exact answer to everything are bad. I love Muslims and I am one of those Muslims who does not have the answer to everything because I am not knowledgeable. I think we should only debate when we have enough knowledge and know what to say. I try to avoid debates with kaffirs because I know I don’t have enough knowledge and I do not want them to give me waswas.

Idk I was just thinking of this and I just thought it’s so funny how stupid they look their argument is basically “okay we are confusing, but xyz in Islam is slightly less confusing therefore you are wrong because you do not have the answer to this question” like what? Islam makes sense, it is logical, it is the truth, we have our holy book, just because we do not understand certain things in Islam does not mean it’s not the truth. At the end of the day we are human and we cannot comprehend everything. Alhamdullilah for Islam. I am not perfect and I sin a lot but I am so thankful to be Muslim . Like oh my god, I am so thankful I am not lost. I am not ready to die, but at least I would die a Muslim. I do not understand how athiests walk around believing in nothing. Alhamdullilah it’s great to be a Muslim woman.

submitted by /u/anxiety18836
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