I am having a lot of difficulty accepting that non muslims will go to hell. It doesn't make much sense, because i know many non muslims who are better than many muslims in their behavior, akhlaaq, modesty, mannerisms, many of them are kind hearted people who even help the poor and needy..and they are religious too,they just don't believe in islam.

Its in a persons fitrah to believe what they have been taught since childhood.its in our very nature..so I find it hard to blame them (non muslims)for not accepting islam.

Also,I believe muslims should set a good example for non muslims..where I live,muslims don't follow islam properly, and are not good in behavior, they simply believe that just praying 5 times a day,reading quran,and just giving Zakat is enough and their behavior doesnt matter...

There are so many non muslims i have met who even if they don't pray,they donate and help people,they are kind in behavior, they are modest and sincere...

I just can't wrap my head around it...that my Christian friend will burn in hell for eternity, even though she is one fo the best people I have ever met..she is more islamic than most muslims,as there is a lot of similarity between Christian and muslims. I just can't believe that so many of my teachers and kind strangers and friends will burn in hell for eternity... Can someone let me know, and confirm if they will go to hell for eternity ? Im in so much grief and confusion right now, I haven't slept for so many nights because of this, because non Muslims have been very kind to me,unconditionally caring amd supportive...in fact a lot of them have no problem with islam,,they are very supportive and tolerant. I don't want them to burn in hell.

submitted by /u/SurpriseGlass130
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