Asalam Aleikum

People lived very simple back then in 615 AD in the region of Mecca when the Quran was revealed.

And today there are people who doubt, that the Quran describes the stages of embryo in detail. There are people who say: They just opened the womb of the women and they saw whats inside.

Now: a 3 week-embryo has the size of 2.5 cm.

And when we look at the chance for a woman become a child, they couldn‘t have planned it. They must have take every woman of the village for experiments and that would be disgusting. right?

How can we proof that the people in Mecca didn‘t made experiments and it is the word from God?

Here is the final presentation of prof. Keith L. Moore who found it out based on Quran:

submitted by /u/Vukovic_1501
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