But recently I started getting doubts about beliefs, and I myself am in a lot of doubt and think Islam may be the truth. I always had an interest in other religions, notably Islam which got me at least some knowledge about the religion, what it stands for and its lighter meaning, for its deeper meaning is something I have yet to find. Recently I found a (english) quran in the big bookcase(from a family member with interest in other cultures and religions) which I plan to read. As of now, I admit I remain atheist for now, but I believe it's because I have yet to discover and research more about the quran and islam, and I cannot force belief.

I also admit, I am pretty scared. I live in a atheist household, in a atheist region of an atheist country(the netherlands). I am already a bit bullied in school because I was a bit of a loner, weird kid ny first year on the school, I only know 2 muslims on the school, 1 of which doesn't know me and 1 of which i believe dislikes me. Further am I afraid of my family's reaction, which I know will not be pleasant.

1 question, can I, even as a non-muslim, ask Allah for guidance(for a lack of a better word)?

Also I am looking for someone who might help me with my doubts, thanks a lot in advance.

Also, apologies if the flair is wrong. My first time in the subreddit.

submitted by /u/Salt-Lobster4559
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