asalamu alaykum. i wanna first clarify before saying english is my second language so sorry for spelling mistakes and what i have to also say is that not all non muslims are like this and i had lots of non muslim friends who respected my views in terms of what i believe as a muslim. now with all that in the way, the title says it all im starting to care less and less about what non muslims or ignorant muslims think about my views. everyday i have to go to school and have to deal with ignorant muslims and non muslims talk about fahisha and praising it such as LGBT, zinna, music with filthy lyrics etc. i would speak against this type of stuff only to get belittled and would be outcasted for having these beliefs and throughout my time i felt alone and had no one to talk to inside my school and would always be alone so i decided to seek validation and reject my islamic beliefs and values for the sake of having friends and not being alone and would praise the things they praised just so i can be their friend. overtime, i began to indulge in some of the degeneracy they were into like listening to music with filth in it, delay my prayers, cursing when talking and lots of more other things that i won't mention. however, now i realised that i'm getting absolutely nothing in terms of mental or physical benefits, sure i wasn't lonely but i still felt some emptiness in my heart that could not be filled and it was at that moment that i started to question why am i doing this and what did i benefit from all this. my body wasn't in the best of shape, im failing my classes and can't even open my eyes without them burning from high contrast. i hesitated for a while to come back to islam but i was scared of being outcasted again but i came back anyway and adopted islam again and started to read more quran than usual. off course, i had to leave the degenerate "friends" that i had. when i told them that i didn't wanna associate with them they instantly knew that i practiced islam again and they ridiculed me for it but i stopped caring and overtime they forgot about my existence and allah knows what they are up to now. i now found better friends that although are small in numbers, they are worth 1 million normal individuals and i am now planning to memorize the whole quran. i hope someone in this thread had some experiences similar to mine and wish to shed light to this and remind muslims that this world is temporary and the akhira is forever. thank u for reading this jazakum allah khayr.

submitted by /u/Impressive-Escape958
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