السلام عليكم Recently i have made a podcast video that was received well online it was my first podcast video to put out on social platforms.

Initially i was very happy but as the video picked more attention from people i started to feel weird.

Firstly, i started getting headaches everyday, then i got allergies and lastly my throat started to feel dry every morning and night, and my eyes would get red almost daily. Now these symtoms can be many things, it could be my stress due to work, my inconsistent sleep schedule, my poor eating habits and such.

However, in the back of my head a voice tells me its all because of the podcast and that people gave me evil eye, for example i got positive comments on my voice and now my throat is dry every morning and night. The feedback i got was very positive from people and theres no reason for me to feel this way however ive been so scared of evil eye and wondering if i should continue doing podcasts anymore, i have privated the video for a whole week and while i do feel better i still have allergies, dry throat, slight headache and red eye.

The reason why this matters to me is, i dont want to blow up a good opprtunity of a successful podcast just because im paranoid over nothing. My identity is kept private, no ones knows my face its just a voice podcast so im not even sure if people can give me evil eye without knowing who i am? also i do my thikr every morning and night, i pray my 5 prayers.

Part of me also is thinking that theres all these other extremely successful muslim people on social media and they are doing fine.

Your inputs are highly appreciated Thank you.

submitted by /u/Next-Sandwich-4740
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