Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh brothers and sisters,

I recently reverted a few weeks ago and I come to you for help. Prior to my conversion I was an agnostic but after reading about Islam and the majesty of the Quran I became convinced that I wanted to commit myself to a life in servitude of Allah (swt).

I am very happy with my decision, however of course I am having issues, everything I know comes from articles and the internet as I have no muslim friends and I live very far from a Mosque. If you have time and could help me answer my questions and concerns that would be much appreciated.

  1. I live in a very Christian household, thus it is hard for me to find time to pray, additionally I work a 9-5 job where I don't have enough space to be able to pray, unless I pray in the bathroom which I refuse to do out of respect. Every night I have to wait until everyone is asleep to make up for all my missed Dhur, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayers, but I feel like this is a massive sin. Please understand I don't do this because I want to or I put it off, I do it because I genuinely have no other choice. Are my prayers invalid? Am I committing haram acts every day and not realising?
  2. Is it okay for me to be vegetarian as a Muslim?
  3. What convinced you personally that Islam was the way to go, what made you decide yep this is the truth and the meaning of existence.

Thank you for your time brothers and sisters, have a blessed day

submitted by /u/lilponchito
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from Islam
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