السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

I am not writing this post to cause division or hate, but as a Sunni Muslim, it hurts me to know we severely lack love for the family of Rasullilah ﷺ

I grew up in a standard Sunni Muslim household and even when I decided to get closer to the deen, the history of the ahlulbayt was last on my mind. We are taught to love and revere Abu Bakr RA, Umar RA and Uthman RA, rightfully so. But when it came to Ali Ra, his family and his sons RA, our reverence falls short.

Why is it we speak about Muawiyah with such love and reverence when it was he who refused to give bayah to Ali RA, and it was his army who killed Ammar ibn Yasser RA whom Rasullilah ﷺ foretold would be killed by the transgressing group.

Why do we revere the Ummayads when their standard practice was to curse Ali RA at their sermons? Why do we consider Yazid a good person when it is by his ruling, Hussein RA was brutally slaughtered alongside his family. Why does it hurt to know the son of Saad ibn Abi Waqqas RA, one of the 10 promised Jannah, led the army against Hussein RA. Why do we as Sunnis not admit this dark piece of history and hold it close to ourselves as the Shias do? We are just as deserving.

My perception of Islamic history changed once I truly learnt the history leading up to Karbala. How Ali RA and his family were all unjustly killed.

It hurts to see most Sunnis ignorant on such matters.

May Allah سبحانه وتعالى make us of the ppl with true understandings. And May we reflect on all what the sahabiyaat and ahlulbayt sacrificed for us to be able to say La illa Ha Illa Lah

submitted by /u/Ifeellikeguccibrrr
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