As salam alaykoum wa rahmatulah y wa barakatouhou.

I recently got black learning the fundamentals in islam, and various other necessary informations because knwoledge is one of the key to keep a strong emaan (and I experienced it SubhanAllah). I did very the bare minimum before, reading here and there a book, I was not as serious as I should, and wasted times to be honest. My views of the subject surrounding the religion was not the same between the moment I was a teenager, and now that I'm an adult. For example, reading a book about what happen after death hit harder now than when I was a teenager. Salat was done in a mechanic way before, compared to now. After high school I had period where I was lost, and here I am now at 21, finally kind of grasped on what is really islam, and what I should do as a muslima, Al hamdoulillah, may Allah lead me and other Muslims to the straight path.

However, now that I'm focusing seriously on the deen, I feel submerged by all the information I got, and I feel like everything I do in this dunya is a waste of time, and with some differing opinions about some subject or activities being haram or not confuse me and scare me..

For example, I enjoy reading comics books (manga, Asterix, Tintin,..), I like reading fiction (not romance or heavy shirk). But since I saw an opinion that drawings of human being or animals are haram so therefore reading it would be Haram, and books sometimes having free mixing or other things are haram. I even saw an opinion on photography being haram.. I enjoy watching cooking shows on TV, but there's music and photography, so.. I assumed I shouldn't read or watch anything that isn't islamic.

Also 4 days a week I go to my dorm for uni, I have my own appart, but since I'm a woman I read that I shouldn't be away from a non mahram this long.

Long story short, I tried to stop doing those things and found myself depressed and lost. I'm scared if I'm slacking off on my deen. How much is a waste of time ?

Jazak Allah o khairan !

submitted by /u/Smooth-Degree-1674
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