So basically I'm in year 10 (UK,15) and about 6'0. I usually keep to myself or with my group of 4-5 best friends. There is this year 9 kid who is the typical yr 9 (I think 13) vaper kid (he is brown and presumably "muslim")and who keeps calling me either fat or a fat bastard every morning. Its really annoying me but I dont wanna snake on these kids because it would be really annoying to have to go to a teacher or my mum about some 5'7 kid who is calling me fat. (For reference I've never talked to this kid in my life I just walk past him every morning to get to school). Shall I speak out to him (he chills with like 7, 5'7 kids and I walk to school myself. Ik these kids wouldnt think twice about trying to jump me but again even if I do snake these kids will pester me more as that's the only way my dad can drop me). Also I'm trying to lose weight (I'm 85kg). I have read the hadith about speaking out but as bad as it is( please dont judge me) I want to keep quite to take his deeds on the D.O.J and have the Angel's protection like said in another hadith. Brothers and sisters please guide me on what I should do?

submitted by /u/Striking_Exam5629
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