Serious question to those sincerely seeking the truth.

With all of the discussions, debates and content on various Social Media platforms, there is simply too much content which clearly questions the validity of the Trinity and it’s origins, the Gospels and it’s origins, all the contradictions within the Bible, the anonymity of the authors, the claims that it is a religion of love and mercy when clearly it is not, the corruption of the faith and inclusion of pagan festivities and immoral desires.

Why, in all honesty, do you still hold on to Christianity as your salvation if you can’t explain or counter any of the discrepancies, illogical Trinity explanation, contradictions, believing in scripture which have no known authors and cannot be attributed to Jesus (Peace and blessings be upon him) or his companions?

There is only One true Lord. One and like no other. One and unique. All alone with no partners or any intermediary. Why is this such a hard concept to grasp?

submitted by /u/104RgrThat
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from Islam
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