Don't despair in disbelief just because you heard or read something that at first was sufficiently convincing to derail you from the path of Allah (SwT). Shaythan (may Allah curse him) will attempt to cast doubt on your mind to make you lose faith after you were guided, and if you allow that to take effect you may never go back to Allah's way.

And may this post INCREASE your faith in Allah's (SwT) revelations. In sha Allah your faith will be robust, solid, resilient, impenetrable.

Now I will elaborate on what happened.

Youtube's algorithm suggested to me a video listing "10 unscientific facts in the Quran". I watched the whole video and 90% of it was obvious and utter ignorance based on either obvious mistranslations that I was previously aware of, conjectures and wishful thinking or outright lies. However, one of the items caught my attention: That in the Qur'an, it is stated that "the universe was created in 6 days". And indeed, at first glance and according to many translations, that was in the Qur'an (7:54 and more).

I haven't read all of the Qur'an yet, so I was unaware of that Aya. And I don't speak Arabic, so it really impacted me. How come the Creator, All-Wise, All-Capable, would state such thing in contradiction to well established science and secular knowledge that was redundantly and repeatedly verified and is taken today as fact? "Is the Qur'an authentic", "Does God exist" — I began to ponder; and despaired over that.

I didn't give up though. My faith was severely damaged — I won't lie — and I almost fell back to disbelief and Atheism. I refused to believe that the Qur'an — which possesses accurate knowledge of things that were just so recently discovered — would contain such a contradictory statement relative to sound secular knowledge. So I began to research that and my despair increased further as all answers I could find related to that (even Tafsirs) wouldn't address such contradiction.

But during my research I ended up on a video by Huda TV in which the multiples meanings of يوم are clarified; it can mean "day" depending on the context but in general it merely means "age", "epoch", "era" or "period" [1] of "vague extent" [2]. So the universe was created in six أَيَّامٍ (epochs). And it turns out that the Big Bang Theory is commonly divided in 6 to 8 epochs [3,4] marking the beginning and ending of key events. Not only that but in Aya (51:47) Allah (SwT) states that He, of the universe, is (still) it's expander — مُوسِع; related to wideness [5], in form IV of the active participle, implying that it is still occurring, widening. And it turns out that the universe is still expanding [6]. My faith only increases. How come Muhammad (PBUH) could've come up with that? It's impossible, such fact wasn't in the reach of his observable reality given the available knowledge and technology of the time.

And as it turns out, that this is not the first time that I almost "lost my faith". I began to notice a pattern: First I'm bombarded with temptation to commit sins and do evil, then when I fight them and triumph in resisting them and remain righteous so my reward is hopefully with Allah (SwT), I so happen to "accidentally" find something that inclines my mind towards disbelief. And then shortly after I end up finding the truth and answer for that which previously afflicted me and I realize it was actually simple to tackle and understand and there was no reason to react in such an exaggerated manner such that impacted my faith. What a persistent coincidence, huh? Could it not be that the accursed and rejected Shaytan is trying to lead me astray? But his scheme is weak! :-)

So brother or sister, each time you see something that despairs you of Allah's (SwT) way, don't immediately jump to conclusions, don't immediately give in to sinful acts thinking that there won't be retribution for them, don't immediately give up on Islam. That's your open enemy attacking you, so battle him back, persist, refuse to give up, study the Qur'an, be stubborn. Look for the meaning of root words if you must, search them in dictionaries [7] — especially the old ones as they are "closer" to the Arabic language of the Prophet's (PBUH) time, look for the Ayat's literal translations, word-by-word on if you must, and compare each word, do research, them you'll be reassured that the Qur'an is the perfected truth revealed by Allah (SwT) even if you were lead to believe otherwise previously.


*I apologize for my nickname. I created this account when I was a disbeliever.
EDIT: Added some new references.

submitted by /u/fuckngpsycho
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