hi brothers i hope you're having a great day i wanted to talk about theses question and what do they really mean and how they're related:

1: destiny or free will? 2: does goodness have a meaning behind it or is it the clash with evil that gives it meaning? 3: should i work hard or allah gives?

all of these are the same question. and to give them answer we have to understand Allahs supremacy.

Nietzsche believed that hope is a curse. he believed a person that gets disappointed and sad after he fails, shouldn't have had hopes of success in the first place.

islam agrees with that! we say Alhamdulillah when we fail.

when we say Alhamdulillah when something bad happens we're actually saying :(thank you allah. i dont know and you know. my wish is nothing and your wish is absolute. i will not be sad.) well if it's true, if allah knows the best, why should i make dua? why should i wish paradise upon everyone? wouldn't allah know who fits where the best?

yes allah knows thats not the problem the problem is that we should understand that we dont know. BUT we should still wish well and say good. our job is not to be just and right. our duty is to mean well and act good.

so there is 2 things that we should keep in mind ALL the time. 1 we should try hard to make a living and wish well upon everyone. 2 we should know that our wish is nothing compared to allah and say inshallah and Alhamdulillah.

here some examples of how it would look like :

if you have number 1 and lose 2 : my house is on fire and i scream my lungs out and panic and yell for help as if i have control and the only problem is chosing right.

having 2 and losing 1 : going hermit mode and not having a home and eat whatever food comes in your way

having both: your house is on fire and you stay calm and repeat toyourself:" if i die it wasn't unfair and it was by gods command so i thank god. if i survive it was allahs mercy so i thank him." and you call the fire station and say inshallah everything will be alright.

bottom line: yes you have free will and your actions are your actions. but you still doing whatever god wanted you to do. god knew wether you were gonna go to hell or heaven as he made you. having free will does not mean god has no power over us. gods will is superior to our will. we should do good and choose well but we shouldn't expect the outcome we were looking for. you might think its a paradox but its not. its just not for our brains to understand it. next world inshallah

sorry for bad English if it was bad ask me if i didn't explain well i would try to in comments

submitted by /u/Background-Pipe-2635
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