As-salamu alaikum,

I'm not sure if here is the best place to put this but thought I would see. I have just had a 3 hour discussion on whether celebrating the prophets birthday is a bidah or not with my husband. He is adamant it is not and has told me his family is Muslim and he grew up in a Muslim country (Turkey) and he is right and I am learning Islam wrong. I am a revert in a non Muslim country, and he basically straight up just said I am learning Islam wrong, it's his fault he needs to teach me more, I need to learn the hanafi school of thought, he will teach our child and me hanafi etc etc.

I have seen so many posts etc saying celebrating the prophets birthday is bidah. He says it is not bidah, it's important because it's the day the prophet was born. No matter how much stuff I sent to him, he would send me things back saying just that it's important, we should pray more today if we don't pray if we don't make dua we will forget. He's saying we're not doing it like the Christians like Christmas, it's like an Eid but not Eid, we are just praying more. I don't even know what is right or what is wrong, but my husband just told me to listen to him, don't read everything, if he is saying we can do something, then we can, don't say different because we need to believe the same because we will confuse our child if we think differently.

I agree, if we think differently then we can confuse our child, but I know there are some things we think differently about because he was taught by his family and country whereas I am looking at everything online, no matter what school of thought it is. I don't look at just 1 scholar. If a scholar says something, I will look, there are hadiths to back it up? Other scholars say the same thing? I feel like my husband doesn't even want to consider what other people say, what he learnt was the truth and there is absolutely no other answer for anything.

I was a Christian before I was a Muslim and I never questioned anything. If someone said something was a Christian belief, I generally went along with it or I would make my own interpretation about things, so for my husband to say I am learning Islam wrong kind of made me feel really bad because I am actually trying now to get it right, but I feel like he wants me to just follow and listen to him and no one else. He has told me he will find things for me to read, but he will only show me hanafi things.

I'm wondering how important it is to follow a school of thought? And should I just go with what my husband says, listen to him and just look at the scholars he shows me or look at others? As much as I love my husband I feel like sometimes he doesn't listen to me oe take into consideration what I learn, he's just dead set on keeping up what he has learnt and is adamant I follow it too.

Jazakallahu khairan

submitted by /u/bdgitrky
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