A story from one of the salaf that our imam shared:

[ أنبأنا ابن علان ، أخبرنا الكندي ، أخبرنا القزاز ، أخبرنا الخطيب ، أخبرنا ابن رزقويه ، سمعت علي بن الحسن بن زكريا القطيعي الشاعر ، سمعت أبا [ ص: 444 ] القاسم البغوي ، سمعت عبيد الله القواريري ، يقول : لم تكن تكاد تفوتني صلاة العتمة في جماعة . فنزل بي ضيف ، فشغلت به . فخرجت أطلب الصلاة في قبائل البصرة . فإذا الناس قد صلوا . فقلت في نفسي : يروى عن النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - أنه قال : صلاة الجميع تفضل على صلاة الفذ إحدى وعشرين درجة وروي خمسا وعشرين درجة وروي سبعا وعشرين فانقلبت إلى منزلي ، فصليت العتمة سبعا وعشرين مرة ، ثم رقدت فرأيتني مع قوم راكبي أفراس ، وأنا راكب ، ونحن نتجارى وأفراسهم تسبق فرسي ، فجعلت أضربه لألحقهم ، فالتفت إلي آخرهم ، فقال : لا تجهد فرسك ; فلست بلاحقنا . قال : فقلت : ولم ؟ قال : لأنا صلينا العتمة في جماعة . ]

'Ubaydullaah ibn 'Umar ibn Maysarah, one of the muhaddithoon of the salaf, was someone who almost never missed praying al-'ishaa' with the congregation, but then one time he had some guests come so he became preoccupied with attending to them.

After his guests left, he went out from his home, looking for any masjid in any part of Basrah that had not yet prayed, but he found that everyone had already prayed. He said to himself, "It has been transmitted that the Prophet said: congregational prayer is twenty one times better than praying alone - and it has also been narrated as twenty five times better and twenty seven times better." So he returned back to his home and prayed salah al-'Ishaa' twenty seven times!

After that, he went to sleep and had a dream that he was riding a horse along with a group of other people riding horses, and that they were all going along about the same pace but all of them were ahead of him. He was whipping his horse to try to catch up to them, and then one of them turned around and said to him, "Don't tire your horse out, for you will not be able to catch us." 'Ubaydullaah said, "And why is that?" The person replied, "Because we prayed 'Ishaa' in congregation."

[This is mentioned by al-Dhababi in Siyar under the biography of 'Ubaydullaah ibn 'Umar ibn Maysarah]

Anyways, our imam just mentioned this briefly after we prayed 'ishaa' as an encouragement for us to take advantage of the great rewards of praying the obligatory prayers in congregation.

submitted by /u/Klopf012
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